Thursday, 18 December 2008

Day 71 Surf Camp 3

17th December 2008

Surf Camp 3

Day 71

I was told this morning that last night I shouted out in my sleep, 'it's OK everyone, I'm beginning to feel better now!'. I think all the sea water that I am swallowing whilst trying to surf is helping my throat.

Am feeling better about the Christmas thing too. I checked my emails. Katie and Gemma (who I met in Cairns and was meant to go to Port Douglas with but never did) have invited me to go with them to Bondi Beach for Christmas day :-).

The surfing isn't going too well. Surfing is better when you don't have tonsillitis. I have tonsillitis. Plus sunburn that makes it look like I've dipped my arms in red paint. Not a good look.

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