23rd January 2009
Deep breath, check balance
Day 108
OK I feel better today. That's good.
Decided to check my bank balance. That may be not so good.
Since coming to New Zealand everyone I've been talking to are visiting here for one month to six weeks. When they ask me how long I'm here for I tell them 4 months. Then they laugh. Since arriving in Auckland (NZ's biggest city) it became apparent that there isn't that much to do. I thought it'd be like a mini-Sydney, but it isn't. What the hell am I gonna do for 4 months?!
Plus I checked my bank balance today. The less said about that the better.
So today consisted of the Kiwi Experience office (which I walked to to save the bus fare) to book the first leg of my route around NZ, then to the Quantas office to change my flights, which cost 60 quid! Instead of 4 months here I managed to get it changed to 2 months. So that should save some money for Thailand and Thailand is loads cheaper.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Day 107 WHY?
22nd January 2009
Day 107
Can still taste kebab from last night.
Feel sick and stupid especially after all the stuff I blogged about drinking sensibly recently.
Day 107
Can still taste kebab from last night.
Feel sick and stupid especially after all the stuff I blogged about drinking sensibly recently.
Day 106 Ice, ice baby
21st January 2009
Ice, ice baby
Day 106
Met up with my friend Erik who I first met 3 months ago in Brisbane.
Fell off the wagon.
We stocked up on drinks in happy hour and soon were feeling the effects. Then we went to a bar that was made of ice (although how we got there is a mystery). It was really good inside - the photos looked like it was good anyway, but we got kicked out for making our own cocktails. Well when all the ingredients are left on a table and there are drunk English and Dutch people around with empty glasses and no staff, there is only one way the situation can go.
Plus I did something that I haven't done since I was 18 - I had a kebab!
Ice, ice baby
Day 106
Met up with my friend Erik who I first met 3 months ago in Brisbane.
Fell off the wagon.
We stocked up on drinks in happy hour and soon were feeling the effects. Then we went to a bar that was made of ice (although how we got there is a mystery). It was really good inside - the photos looked like it was good anyway, but we got kicked out for making our own cocktails. Well when all the ingredients are left on a table and there are drunk English and Dutch people around with empty glasses and no staff, there is only one way the situation can go.
Plus I did something that I haven't done since I was 18 - I had a kebab!
Day 105
20th January 2009
I'm leaving on a jet plane
Day 105
Left Sydney today and was really happy to leave. I think maybe one month was too long to stay there for. Arrived at my hostel in Auckland, New Zealand at 11pm. Was quite awake so went for a stroll around the town and everywhere was dead! It was like a ghost town.
I'm leaving on a jet plane
Day 105
Left Sydney today and was really happy to leave. I think maybe one month was too long to stay there for. Arrived at my hostel in Auckland, New Zealand at 11pm. Was quite awake so went for a stroll around the town and everywhere was dead! It was like a ghost town.
Day 104 The story of Zippy
19th January 2009
Day 104
Final day in Sydney today and I went for a stroll up to Circular Quay to take some pictures of my Zippy doll (from Rainbow) to put on the group 'Kelly and Zippy go travelling' on Facebook.
To explain, before I came away my friends Jennie gave me one of her Zippy toys to travel with. OK so maybe it doesn't make much sense. Anyway we have Zippy in Japan pictures and now Zippy in Oz pictures.
I'm looking forward to going to New Zealand but it doesn't feel real yet. Just chilling out before I leave tomorrow. At night I couldn't sleep so I sat in front of the TV. It was all quiet until these two people burst in. They were so good entertainment!
There was a guy from South Africa and a girl from America. Both were drunk.
The girl kept saying how everyone in the world in beautiful and we should tell everyone they are beautiful and we should all just be ourselves and love ourselves, etc, etc you get the idea.
The guy was chatting a lot of rubbish really then exclaimed that most people think he is a preacher and when the girl asked why he paused for a while and said, 'because I make people think and that is a gift'. God knows how anyone would be able to think if it wasn't for him. We have a lot to be grateful for for him giving us the gift of thought. Then they rolled a joint and went outside.
I'm going to miss random drunk people!
Day 104
Final day in Sydney today and I went for a stroll up to Circular Quay to take some pictures of my Zippy doll (from Rainbow) to put on the group 'Kelly and Zippy go travelling' on Facebook.
To explain, before I came away my friends Jennie gave me one of her Zippy toys to travel with. OK so maybe it doesn't make much sense. Anyway we have Zippy in Japan pictures and now Zippy in Oz pictures.
I'm looking forward to going to New Zealand but it doesn't feel real yet. Just chilling out before I leave tomorrow. At night I couldn't sleep so I sat in front of the TV. It was all quiet until these two people burst in. They were so good entertainment!
There was a guy from South Africa and a girl from America. Both were drunk.
The girl kept saying how everyone in the world in beautiful and we should tell everyone they are beautiful and we should all just be ourselves and love ourselves, etc, etc you get the idea.
The guy was chatting a lot of rubbish really then exclaimed that most people think he is a preacher and when the girl asked why he paused for a while and said, 'because I make people think and that is a gift'. God knows how anyone would be able to think if it wasn't for him. We have a lot to be grateful for for him giving us the gift of thought. Then they rolled a joint and went outside.
I'm going to miss random drunk people!
Day 103 Title shmitle
18th January 2009
Erm, no title
Day 103
So today I watched an episode of Red Dwarf at the hostel. There hasn't been much partying that I've been participating in since the incident hence much, much longer blog entries that go further than, 'Today I was hungover' and with my new spare time expand into something that looks more like an essay concerning new adopted attitudes towards life and conversing with drunk people - more specifically intoxicated young males.
In the hostel is where most of my time is being spent. Tonight I read my book (Tess of the D'Urbervilles) in front of the TV. A drunk Swede stood directly in front of me and started discussing Sydney. It was as if he had just been in a conversation with someone else who had just left so he was continuing the conversation with me. He just jumped right in there!
He was telling me the impressions of the city (not that I asked) then when he finished he smiled like a simple child, and walked off. Drink, eh?
Erm, no title
Day 103
So today I watched an episode of Red Dwarf at the hostel. There hasn't been much partying that I've been participating in since the incident hence much, much longer blog entries that go further than, 'Today I was hungover' and with my new spare time expand into something that looks more like an essay concerning new adopted attitudes towards life and conversing with drunk people - more specifically intoxicated young males.
In the hostel is where most of my time is being spent. Tonight I read my book (Tess of the D'Urbervilles) in front of the TV. A drunk Swede stood directly in front of me and started discussing Sydney. It was as if he had just been in a conversation with someone else who had just left so he was continuing the conversation with me. He just jumped right in there!
He was telling me the impressions of the city (not that I asked) then when he finished he smiled like a simple child, and walked off. Drink, eh?
Day 102 The mystery of the warm, wet dripping
17th January 2009
The mystery of the warm, wet dripping
Day 102
The Italian guy in my room snores. It is really loud, then sometimes he starts choking - then it's back to snoring again. Woke me up several times.
The I heard a big thud. The Canadian guy on the bunk above me fell out of his bed. Everyone woke up. He said he was ok but was moaning 'ow' as he limped out of the room to go to the toilet. We would have all been in stitches if we weren't so tired.
I went back to sleep but was woken up again. I heard something rustling and thought a rodent was in a carrier bag on the floor. I shook the bag to see what the noise was but felt that it was wet. Then I noticed it was a drip coming from the ceiling. It was warm water from something upstairs that was dripping on the carrier bag in big blobs and making the noise.
So I moved the bag and all my stuff to one side so it wouldn't get wet and went back to sleep.
In the morning, most people had left the room. It was just me, Vlad, Sarah and a big wet patch on the floor. I told them about the dripping and they looked at me funnily. I knew what they were thinking - they thought that it was piss, more specifically piss from the drunk Canadian guy in the bunk bed above me taking a leak from his bed at night - maybe to avoid falling out of bed again whilst trying to get down. 'It wasn't piss!' I said. It definately wasn't though, I knew for sure. We started to guess where the water had come from and wondered if one of the washing machines in the room above us had broken down and leaked in the night.
Later that day, Sarah went to put some washing on and noticed that the laundry wasn't in the room above us. Above us was another bedroom and they had no idea about anything leaking or being spilt in the night. They asked Sarah if it could be piss. I said that maybe a pipe burst in the night and that could be it. Housekeeping came in soon after and I asked them if the dripping and the water mark on the floor could be from a burst pipe. They said there were no pipes in the ceiling above. They said, 'are you sure it's not piss?'.
Oh man I know the difference between a slow drip coming from the ceiling and someone taking a leak. Maybe we'll never find out what it was, unless the Canadian guy says he urinated from the top bunk which will mean I definately don't know the difference. And also will mean I touched his urine.
I'm sure it wasn't though!...
The mystery of the warm, wet dripping
Day 102
The Italian guy in my room snores. It is really loud, then sometimes he starts choking - then it's back to snoring again. Woke me up several times.
The I heard a big thud. The Canadian guy on the bunk above me fell out of his bed. Everyone woke up. He said he was ok but was moaning 'ow' as he limped out of the room to go to the toilet. We would have all been in stitches if we weren't so tired.
I went back to sleep but was woken up again. I heard something rustling and thought a rodent was in a carrier bag on the floor. I shook the bag to see what the noise was but felt that it was wet. Then I noticed it was a drip coming from the ceiling. It was warm water from something upstairs that was dripping on the carrier bag in big blobs and making the noise.
So I moved the bag and all my stuff to one side so it wouldn't get wet and went back to sleep.
In the morning, most people had left the room. It was just me, Vlad, Sarah and a big wet patch on the floor. I told them about the dripping and they looked at me funnily. I knew what they were thinking - they thought that it was piss, more specifically piss from the drunk Canadian guy in the bunk bed above me taking a leak from his bed at night - maybe to avoid falling out of bed again whilst trying to get down. 'It wasn't piss!' I said. It definately wasn't though, I knew for sure. We started to guess where the water had come from and wondered if one of the washing machines in the room above us had broken down and leaked in the night.
Later that day, Sarah went to put some washing on and noticed that the laundry wasn't in the room above us. Above us was another bedroom and they had no idea about anything leaking or being spilt in the night. They asked Sarah if it could be piss. I said that maybe a pipe burst in the night and that could be it. Housekeeping came in soon after and I asked them if the dripping and the water mark on the floor could be from a burst pipe. They said there were no pipes in the ceiling above. They said, 'are you sure it's not piss?'.
Oh man I know the difference between a slow drip coming from the ceiling and someone taking a leak. Maybe we'll never find out what it was, unless the Canadian guy says he urinated from the top bunk which will mean I definately don't know the difference. And also will mean I touched his urine.
I'm sure it wasn't though!...
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Day 101 Drunk Boys
16th January 2009
Drunk Boys
Day 101
I think I'm ready to leave Sydney.
Have not been drinking alcohol since the incident. At 10pm I went into my room and there was a party kicking off although 4 out of the 5 people in there I had never seen before (usually it's just the people who sleep in the room that are in there so this was quite odd). The tunes were pumping (good) but someone had spilt goon on my bed (bad).
One Canadian guy was trying to convince me to go out with them. I explained to him why I wasn't drinking and even showed him the huge cut running along the back of my head to which his first reaction was 'nice!' followed by trying to tell me that if I drunk some goon it would make my head feel better... and so the traveller's drinking habits are revealed - but not for me. You can keep your goon Mr. Canadian man. Enjoy your hangover while my head heals (the lump on it is scarily big).
Hoping no more goon would be spilt on my bed sheets I left them to their lil' party and went to watch the film 'Old School' with the other people in the hostel who had their own reasons for staying in on a Friday night. Needless to say, there weren't many of us.
Unluckily for me the Swedish guy who sat next to me on the sofa was drunk and had seen the film many, MANY times before and felt the need to show us how cool he was by saying the punchlines of the jokes in the film before they were due and laughing so loud while eating Crunchy Nut Cornflakes straight from the box. You know this is the guy everyone hates at the cinema.
When the film had finished, a really drunk American guy with a mohican appeared and sat next to me, helping himself to my bottled water before I had a chance to say, 'help yourself'. He demanded to know why I wasn't coming to the bar so I told him about my recent hospital visit to which he replied, 'but if you don't come to the bar we aren't going to be able to make out'. It was amusing but I wasn't convinced and declined the offer. He strangely shook my hand and staggered off.
Drunk Boys
Day 101
I think I'm ready to leave Sydney.
Have not been drinking alcohol since the incident. At 10pm I went into my room and there was a party kicking off although 4 out of the 5 people in there I had never seen before (usually it's just the people who sleep in the room that are in there so this was quite odd). The tunes were pumping (good) but someone had spilt goon on my bed (bad).
One Canadian guy was trying to convince me to go out with them. I explained to him why I wasn't drinking and even showed him the huge cut running along the back of my head to which his first reaction was 'nice!' followed by trying to tell me that if I drunk some goon it would make my head feel better... and so the traveller's drinking habits are revealed - but not for me. You can keep your goon Mr. Canadian man. Enjoy your hangover while my head heals (the lump on it is scarily big).
Hoping no more goon would be spilt on my bed sheets I left them to their lil' party and went to watch the film 'Old School' with the other people in the hostel who had their own reasons for staying in on a Friday night. Needless to say, there weren't many of us.
Unluckily for me the Swedish guy who sat next to me on the sofa was drunk and had seen the film many, MANY times before and felt the need to show us how cool he was by saying the punchlines of the jokes in the film before they were due and laughing so loud while eating Crunchy Nut Cornflakes straight from the box. You know this is the guy everyone hates at the cinema.
When the film had finished, a really drunk American guy with a mohican appeared and sat next to me, helping himself to my bottled water before I had a chance to say, 'help yourself'. He demanded to know why I wasn't coming to the bar so I told him about my recent hospital visit to which he replied, 'but if you don't come to the bar we aren't going to be able to make out'. It was amusing but I wasn't convinced and declined the offer. He strangely shook my hand and staggered off.
Day 100 Rethinking Drinking
15th January 2009
Rethinking Drinking and my new Philosophy
Day 100
Well it's been 100 days of travelling! What a milestone.
After my recent trip to hospital though I have been thinking a lot. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't drink so much. All these forgotten moments and hospital visits are a waste of time and money.
Ok, so lots of funny things happen and people laugh but what's the point if I can't remember any of it. Drink less = remember more. And NO GOON. Just say no to goon (really cheap boxed wine, an Australian thing). Alcohol in excess is bad and leads to bad things. My nose still hurts from the headbutting not long ago and now my head had the biggest, most painful lump on the back with a huge slash across it. It hurts but I suppose that is to be expected.
So after 100 days of travelling I have learnt so much about people, friendship and so forth. Also I have adopted a new philosophy - 'quality and quantity' (when I spoke to my sister on the phone about this she laughed but I'm being serious). The phrase is relevant to so many things in life - drink, food, clothes, dates.
It is scary to think about what happened the other night, but I've ended up in hospital before like the time I got hit by a bus or when I woke up in hospital in Portugal. All alcohol related. Well not just from drinking alcohol but from drinking in severe volumes. It's not good.
Although a lot of people find my stories funny and all, it's not worth it and almost always leads to truoble. Or in my case - hospital.
Rethinking Drinking and my new Philosophy
Day 100
Well it's been 100 days of travelling! What a milestone.
After my recent trip to hospital though I have been thinking a lot. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't drink so much. All these forgotten moments and hospital visits are a waste of time and money.
Ok, so lots of funny things happen and people laugh but what's the point if I can't remember any of it. Drink less = remember more. And NO GOON. Just say no to goon (really cheap boxed wine, an Australian thing). Alcohol in excess is bad and leads to bad things. My nose still hurts from the headbutting not long ago and now my head had the biggest, most painful lump on the back with a huge slash across it. It hurts but I suppose that is to be expected.
So after 100 days of travelling I have learnt so much about people, friendship and so forth. Also I have adopted a new philosophy - 'quality and quantity' (when I spoke to my sister on the phone about this she laughed but I'm being serious). The phrase is relevant to so many things in life - drink, food, clothes, dates.
It is scary to think about what happened the other night, but I've ended up in hospital before like the time I got hit by a bus or when I woke up in hospital in Portugal. All alcohol related. Well not just from drinking alcohol but from drinking in severe volumes. It's not good.
Although a lot of people find my stories funny and all, it's not worth it and almost always leads to truoble. Or in my case - hospital.
Day 99 The 'Hose Guy'
14th January 2009
The 'Hose Guy'
Day 99
My head hurts. Throbbing from the incident last night. People in my room were shocked about the whole thing and some were laughing about what I did when I was drunk. Vlad said the 'hose guy' thing was so funny and was laughing. I was confused 'what hose guy?' I asked. As I couldn't remember he told me-
When I got in the room I needed sme water so Vlad gave me his and I drunk it all, so Aimee gave me an empty water bottle and told me to fill it up in the wash room sink, as the kitchen was closed. A few minutes later, I came back in the room with no water in the water bottle but instead I was covered in water - all down my front! Everyone asked why I was soaking wet and I said that a man with a hose was walking around the hostel and spraying people with water. I said it happened a lot and he makes me angry. Everyone was confused and like, 'WTF? Who is this man?' so Aimee took the empty water bottle and went to fill it up herself. When she came back in the room with a filled up water bottle she was laughing. She was in the wash room filling up the bottle when a girl turned to her and said that some drunk girl just came in the wash room and tried to fill up a water bottle in the shower and in the process got covered in water!
Oh my God everyone was in stitches and I sat there giggling apparently. Vlad said it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.
The 'Hose Guy'
Day 99
My head hurts. Throbbing from the incident last night. People in my room were shocked about the whole thing and some were laughing about what I did when I was drunk. Vlad said the 'hose guy' thing was so funny and was laughing. I was confused 'what hose guy?' I asked. As I couldn't remember he told me-
When I got in the room I needed sme water so Vlad gave me his and I drunk it all, so Aimee gave me an empty water bottle and told me to fill it up in the wash room sink, as the kitchen was closed. A few minutes later, I came back in the room with no water in the water bottle but instead I was covered in water - all down my front! Everyone asked why I was soaking wet and I said that a man with a hose was walking around the hostel and spraying people with water. I said it happened a lot and he makes me angry. Everyone was confused and like, 'WTF? Who is this man?' so Aimee took the empty water bottle and went to fill it up herself. When she came back in the room with a filled up water bottle she was laughing. She was in the wash room filling up the bottle when a girl turned to her and said that some drunk girl just came in the wash room and tried to fill up a water bottle in the shower and in the process got covered in water!
Oh my God everyone was in stitches and I sat there giggling apparently. Vlad said it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.
Day 98 Hello I'd like an ambulance please
13th January 2009
Kelly goes to hospital
Day 98
Had a nice chilled day and went to the quiz at Side Bar in the evening. Drunk a lot of goon with Aimee and Sarah.
To get to the point, I was out with a group of friends at about 1am ish and we were playfighting in the street when one guy grabbed my ankles and pulled them from under me. I fell back and cracked my head on the pavement. The playfighting stopped and I sat on the floor for a while, holding the back of my head. The guy kept apologising and I said that I would be ok then I took my hands from the back of my head and they were covered in blood.
I was in a lot of pain and they called an ambulance. The paramedics put a bandage around my head and took me to hospital. In the hospital, I was sitting around for ages so I spoke to the nurse on the front desk and she had a look at my head and was unsure if I needed stitches or not. She said I could go home but if the wound was still open in the morning I had to come back to have stitches.
Kelly goes to hospital
Day 98
Had a nice chilled day and went to the quiz at Side Bar in the evening. Drunk a lot of goon with Aimee and Sarah.
To get to the point, I was out with a group of friends at about 1am ish and we were playfighting in the street when one guy grabbed my ankles and pulled them from under me. I fell back and cracked my head on the pavement. The playfighting stopped and I sat on the floor for a while, holding the back of my head. The guy kept apologising and I said that I would be ok then I took my hands from the back of my head and they were covered in blood.
I was in a lot of pain and they called an ambulance. The paramedics put a bandage around my head and took me to hospital. In the hospital, I was sitting around for ages so I spoke to the nurse on the front desk and she had a look at my head and was unsure if I needed stitches or not. She said I could go home but if the wound was still open in the morning I had to come back to have stitches.
Day 97 Fire alarm
12th January 2009
Fire alarm
Day 97
Not the best nights sleep. At 5am a fire alarm went off in the hostel. There was a moment we all woke up and waited for the first person to make a move, all silently hoping the alarm would be turned off but on realising that it was not going to be turned off anytime soon we made for the fire escape. There was so many people out on the street. The hostel has 7 floors of rooms with about 8 rooms on each floor. There was a load of sleepy travellers standing out in the street in their pajamas, not impressed.
Fire engines and fire fighters turned up, and it took ages for them let us back in. I have no idea if there was a fire or someone was smoking in their room but after half an hour of standing in the street they let us back in.
We eventually got back to sleep and in the morning had to check with eachother that it had not actually been a dream.
Today I'm tired.
Fire alarm
Day 97
Not the best nights sleep. At 5am a fire alarm went off in the hostel. There was a moment we all woke up and waited for the first person to make a move, all silently hoping the alarm would be turned off but on realising that it was not going to be turned off anytime soon we made for the fire escape. There was so many people out on the street. The hostel has 7 floors of rooms with about 8 rooms on each floor. There was a load of sleepy travellers standing out in the street in their pajamas, not impressed.
Fire engines and fire fighters turned up, and it took ages for them let us back in. I have no idea if there was a fire or someone was smoking in their room but after half an hour of standing in the street they let us back in.
We eventually got back to sleep and in the morning had to check with eachother that it had not actually been a dream.
Today I'm tired.
Day 96 Hungover
11th January 2009
Day 96
Hungover. Stayed in and watched a film.
P.S. Notice the correlation between me going on and partying and how much I write in this blog)
Day 96
Hungover. Stayed in and watched a film.
P.S. Notice the correlation between me going on and partying and how much I write in this blog)
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Day 95 Sydney Festival
10th January 2009
Sydney Festival
Day 95
It's the start of Sydney Festival today! This city has festivals all the time, seriously any excuse and a festival is on.
Tonight is a free show at 7 places all across the city. The first night of the festival is imaginatively called 'Festival First Night'. The guys from my room all went and we took a blanket and chilled in the Domain park drinking goon (very cheap boxed wine - 4 litres for 5 quid!) then went partying afterwards.
Sydney Festival
Day 95
It's the start of Sydney Festival today! This city has festivals all the time, seriously any excuse and a festival is on.
Tonight is a free show at 7 places all across the city. The first night of the festival is imaginatively called 'Festival First Night'. The guys from my room all went and we took a blanket and chilled in the Domain park drinking goon (very cheap boxed wine - 4 litres for 5 quid!) then went partying afterwards.
Day 93 Out
8th January 2009
Day 93
Was going to stay in tonight. 'Was'.
Aimee (a girl from my room) and I went down to Side Bar for 'one' drink. Bumped into Roz and Rebecca in there and ended up staying out.
Day 93
Was going to stay in tonight. 'Was'.
Aimee (a girl from my room) and I went down to Side Bar for 'one' drink. Bumped into Roz and Rebecca in there and ended up staying out.
Day 92 Wake Up
7th January 2009
Sydney Wake Up
Day 92
Moved to Sydney Wake Up hostel today, it's massive!
Was going to have a quiet night in but ended up meeting some people in my room and going out.
Sydney Wake Up
Day 92
Moved to Sydney Wake Up hostel today, it's massive!
Was going to have a quiet night in but ended up meeting some people in my room and going out.
Day 91 Museum
6th January 2009
Day 91
Today I went to the Australian Museum. It was ok, especially the 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year' exhibition they had on.
Chilled in Hyde Park for a while, and it's off to World Bar tonight. At the moment it's one night in, one night out. Got a load of free drink vouchers to use tonight! Gotta use them all up here in Kings Cross as I am leaving the area tomorrow to move somewhere more central to Sydney and be closer to the action (and away from the dodgy area that is Kings Cross where prostitutes argue in the street with eachother about whose patch they're on).
Tomorrow will be exactly 3 months since I left England. 7 months and 1 week left until I go back home.
Day 91
Today I went to the Australian Museum. It was ok, especially the 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year' exhibition they had on.
Chilled in Hyde Park for a while, and it's off to World Bar tonight. At the moment it's one night in, one night out. Got a load of free drink vouchers to use tonight! Gotta use them all up here in Kings Cross as I am leaving the area tomorrow to move somewhere more central to Sydney and be closer to the action (and away from the dodgy area that is Kings Cross where prostitutes argue in the street with eachother about whose patch they're on).
Tomorrow will be exactly 3 months since I left England. 7 months and 1 week left until I go back home.
Day 90 Hungover
5th January 2009
Day 90
A little hungover this morning, but at least I didn't get headbutted last night.
Went to the cinema with Roz and Rebecca to see the film Marley & Me.
Day 90
A little hungover this morning, but at least I didn't get headbutted last night.
Went to the cinema with Roz and Rebecca to see the film Marley & Me.
Day 89 Fish, Art, Dancing
4th January 2009
Fish, Art, Dancing
Day 89
Went to the fish market this morning with Michaela, Nicola, Lindsay and some Dutch girl from my new hostel whose name I can't remember and couldn't pronounce.
Then I went to the Museum of Contemporary Arts, which was great although a little random at times (e.g. headless manequins in African printed Victorian attire performing 'acts' on eachother). Arty.
Met up with Gemma, Katie, Rebecca and Erik in Side Bar at night for a few (quite a few) drinks and was the only person on the dancefloor.
Fish, Art, Dancing
Day 89
Went to the fish market this morning with Michaela, Nicola, Lindsay and some Dutch girl from my new hostel whose name I can't remember and couldn't pronounce.
Then I went to the Museum of Contemporary Arts, which was great although a little random at times (e.g. headless manequins in African printed Victorian attire performing 'acts' on eachother). Arty.
Met up with Gemma, Katie, Rebecca and Erik in Side Bar at night for a few (quite a few) drinks and was the only person on the dancefloor.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Day 88 Swollen
3rd January 2009
Day 88
Woke up and my nose was swollen, then I remembered that someone had headbutted me last night.
Was chatting to some people at the hostel and remember slightly what happened when I got back in (v. drunk) last night. Some guy at my hostel had taken a video of me on his phone last night and I watched it back. It was so funny! Can't really explain but it involved lots of random talk and ended with me jumping on a mans back in the street. The guy with the phone said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.
It made me so happy. I can't believe how happy I am recently, even though I'm hungover to fuck and my nose hurts.
Day 88
Woke up and my nose was swollen, then I remembered that someone had headbutted me last night.
Was chatting to some people at the hostel and remember slightly what happened when I got back in (v. drunk) last night. Some guy at my hostel had taken a video of me on his phone last night and I watched it back. It was so funny! Can't really explain but it involved lots of random talk and ended with me jumping on a mans back in the street. The guy with the phone said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.
It made me so happy. I can't believe how happy I am recently, even though I'm hungover to fuck and my nose hurts.
Day 87 Ouch
2nd January 2009
Day 87
Went to Sydney Aquarium today with Lindsay, Nicola, Michaela and Rebecca. Feeling so good today, I love Sydney and am having such a great time here.
Then at night I went to a bar in Kings Cross called Madam DeBiers and I was headbutted.
A crazy fat chick at the bar headbutted me because apparently I bumped into her.
Day 87
Went to Sydney Aquarium today with Lindsay, Nicola, Michaela and Rebecca. Feeling so good today, I love Sydney and am having such a great time here.
Then at night I went to a bar in Kings Cross called Madam DeBiers and I was headbutted.
A crazy fat chick at the bar headbutted me because apparently I bumped into her.
Day 86 1st Jan 2009 - hungover
1st January 2009
Day 86
So hungover this morning. Never mind that - last night was probably the best night out I've ever had. Carlsberg don't make nights out, but if they did...
Went to the cinema today with the guys from last night. No drinking today though.
Day 86
So hungover this morning. Never mind that - last night was probably the best night out I've ever had. Carlsberg don't make nights out, but if they did...
Went to the cinema today with the guys from last night. No drinking today though.
31st December 2008

Day 85
Everyone from my hostel shot off this moprning (as early as 6am) to get a good spot to watch the fireworks from. I didn't need to go though as have booked a CRUISE ON THE HARBOUR! How fucking mint is that? There's 7 of us going who were all on the surf camp. Check these pics-

Day 84 The Rocks with the Americans
30th December 2008
The Rocks with the Americans
Day 84
Spent the morning shopping then went out with Sam and Rob (the Americans I met in Cairns). We went to the Opera House, the Botanical Gardens and to a German Beer Pub in The Rocks... Mango beer anyone?
Later that day I was bored and decided to text nearly everyone in my phonebook that I'd met out here. No surprises with who did and didn't text back. It's all good and I love Sydney!
The Rocks with the Americans
Day 84
Spent the morning shopping then went out with Sam and Rob (the Americans I met in Cairns). We went to the Opera House, the Botanical Gardens and to a German Beer Pub in The Rocks... Mango beer anyone?
Later that day I was bored and decided to text nearly everyone in my phonebook that I'd met out here. No surprises with who did and didn't text back. It's all good and I love Sydney!
Day 83 Side Bar
29th December 2008
Side Bar
Day 83
Went to Side Bar with Gemma and Katie. Got drunk. Can't remember what else went on today...
Side Bar
Day 83
Went to Side Bar with Gemma and Katie. Got drunk. Can't remember what else went on today...
Day 82 Sunday dinner, yum
28th December 2008
Sunday dinner
Day 82
Met up with Gemma and Katie and had a Sunday dinner, as we sort of felt we were cheated out of a proper meal on Christmas day (it was gross), but this made up for it.
Sunday dinner
Day 82
Met up with Gemma and Katie and had a Sunday dinner, as we sort of felt we were cheated out of a proper meal on Christmas day (it was gross), but this made up for it.
Day 81 Rangers Celtic game
27th December
Rangers Celtic gane
Day 81

Watched the Rangers Celtic game with some girls from the hostel and a few of the Scottish guys. Lindsay is a Rangers supporter, so was I for the day. The game was a bit boring to be honest. Us girls got bored quite quickly and ended up playing dress up in the corner while the guys were watching the football.

Day 80 Boxing Day
26th December 2008

Boxing Day
Day 80

Went to the races with Lindsay today. It was so good! Spent the rest of the day eating ice cream and watched the film Trainspotting at the hostel. It wasn't your avarage Boxing Day.
25th December 2008

Christmas Day
Day 79

Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas! Spent Christmas Day in Bondi Pavillion with Gemma and Katie (who I met in Cairns). It was amazing.

Day 78 CHRISTMAS EVE - The 12 Pubs of Christmas
24th December 2008

Christmas Eve - The 12 Pubs of Christmas
Day 78
Roz, her friend Vicky, Lindsay, the Scottish guys and I took part in something they named 'The 12 Pubs of Christmas'. Very festive - well we were all wearing Santa hats. It was so much fun, and a good time was had by all!

Day 77 ?
23rd December 2008
Day 77
Moved to the Blue Parrot hostel today, where I am going to be staying over Christmas and New Year. Can't quite remember what I did today (it's actually the 27th December and I'm trying to remember what I've been doing)
Day 77
Moved to the Blue Parrot hostel today, where I am going to be staying over Christmas and New Year. Can't quite remember what I did today (it's actually the 27th December and I'm trying to remember what I've been doing)
Friday, 2 January 2009
Day 76 Off the tablets
22nd December 2008
Off the tablets
Day 76
Read up on the internet that it is ok to drink when you are taking Penicillin. Oh well I feel fab after having 2 weeks off the booze.
Oh and today I booked a trip a trip on a boat for New Years Eve with Gavin, Roz and Simon that I met on the surf camp.
Can't wait!
Off the tablets
Day 76
Read up on the internet that it is ok to drink when you are taking Penicillin. Oh well I feel fab after having 2 weeks off the booze.
Oh and today I booked a trip a trip on a boat for New Years Eve with Gavin, Roz and Simon that I met on the surf camp.
Can't wait!
Day 75 Sydney Opera House
21st December 2008
Sydney Opera House
Day 75
So my plan for today was to go to the Sunday market. When I was having breakfast, I bumped into Roz (a girl I met at the surf camp) and ended up going with her and her friends to Darling Harbour and Sydney Opera house instead.
Later that day we went to Bondi beach to meet up with some of their friends and chilled on the beach and went to the pub. I still can't drink so was on diet cokes all night. This not drinking thing is saving me money but not very sociable. One very drunk Scottish guy at the pub asked me in front of everyone why I wasn't drinking. I said it was because I am taking tablets. He then said 'why do you have thrush or something?'. Oh my God. Seriously, everyone was laughing and I said it wasn't for thrush, it was for Tonsillitis. Then the drunk guy told me that drinking cranberry juice would help. And now everyone thinks I have thrush.
Sydney Opera House
Day 75
So my plan for today was to go to the Sunday market. When I was having breakfast, I bumped into Roz (a girl I met at the surf camp) and ended up going with her and her friends to Darling Harbour and Sydney Opera house instead.
Later that day we went to Bondi beach to meet up with some of their friends and chilled on the beach and went to the pub. I still can't drink so was on diet cokes all night. This not drinking thing is saving me money but not very sociable. One very drunk Scottish guy at the pub asked me in front of everyone why I wasn't drinking. I said it was because I am taking tablets. He then said 'why do you have thrush or something?'. Oh my God. Seriously, everyone was laughing and I said it wasn't for thrush, it was for Tonsillitis. Then the drunk guy told me that drinking cranberry juice would help. And now everyone thinks I have thrush.
Day 74 Kings Cross, SYDNEY
20th December 2008
Kings Cross, SYDNEY
Day 74
Well I'm in Kings Cross, Sydney. A place that Lonely Planet describes as this-
'The Cross is a cocktail of strip joints, prostitution, crime, and drugs shaken and stirred'
Today I went for a body balance class at the gym and felt pretty good after. Then I had a walk around and ended up at the hostel I'm staying at for Christmas. So I went inside and got chatting to 3 Irish girls who asked me 'are you going too?' and I was like 'to where?'. Well they were off to a carol singing concert so I tagged along with them. It was a huge event, there was loads of people there and the event was broadcast all over Australia. It was a 3 hour free show with loads of singers, including Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden. There was a firework display at the end, it was fantastic!
Kings Cross, SYDNEY
Day 74
Well I'm in Kings Cross, Sydney. A place that Lonely Planet describes as this-
'The Cross is a cocktail of strip joints, prostitution, crime, and drugs shaken and stirred'
Today I went for a body balance class at the gym and felt pretty good after. Then I had a walk around and ended up at the hostel I'm staying at for Christmas. So I went inside and got chatting to 3 Irish girls who asked me 'are you going too?' and I was like 'to where?'. Well they were off to a carol singing concert so I tagged along with them. It was a huge event, there was loads of people there and the event was broadcast all over Australia. It was a 3 hour free show with loads of singers, including Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden. There was a firework display at the end, it was fantastic!
Day 73 Surf Camp 4
19th December 2008
Surf Camp 4
Day 73
So exhausted all the time from this stupid Tonsillitis. We go out surfing for a few hours each day but after 10 minutes, I'm fucked. It's all the fighting through the waves that's the most tiring.
Well at least I'll be off these tablets in time for Christmas.
I've been in a room full of Germans at the moment. Germans are everywhere.
Surf Camp 4
Day 73
So exhausted all the time from this stupid Tonsillitis. We go out surfing for a few hours each day but after 10 minutes, I'm fucked. It's all the fighting through the waves that's the most tiring.
Well at least I'll be off these tablets in time for Christmas.
I've been in a room full of Germans at the moment. Germans are everywhere.
Day 72 Surf Camp 4
18th December 2008
Surf Camp 4
Day 72
Tried surfing again today. Anyone who has ever had Tonsillitis will know all about the migraines, complete lack of energy and crap feeling it imposes. Anyone who has ever been surfing will know that the above symptoms do not mix well with the sport.
At night, the group sat around a fire near to the beach and we ended up drinking games (which I can't take part in because I'm on Penicillin). It was fun though and as we were mostly in darkness, no one seemed to notice I wasn't drinking alcohol. Or they did and didn't say anything.
Surf Camp 4
Day 72
Tried surfing again today. Anyone who has ever had Tonsillitis will know all about the migraines, complete lack of energy and crap feeling it imposes. Anyone who has ever been surfing will know that the above symptoms do not mix well with the sport.
At night, the group sat around a fire near to the beach and we ended up drinking games (which I can't take part in because I'm on Penicillin). It was fun though and as we were mostly in darkness, no one seemed to notice I wasn't drinking alcohol. Or they did and didn't say anything.
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