Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Day 103 Title shmitle

18th January 2009

Erm, no title

Day 103

So today I watched an episode of Red Dwarf at the hostel. There hasn't been much partying that I've been participating in since the incident hence much, much longer blog entries that go further than, 'Today I was hungover' and with my new spare time expand into something that looks more like an essay concerning new adopted attitudes towards life and conversing with drunk people - more specifically intoxicated young males.

In the hostel is where most of my time is being spent. Tonight I read my book (Tess of the D'Urbervilles) in front of the TV. A drunk Swede stood directly in front of me and started discussing Sydney. It was as if he had just been in a conversation with someone else who had just left so he was continuing the conversation with me. He just jumped right in there!

He was telling me the impressions of the city (not that I asked) then when he finished he smiled like a simple child, and walked off. Drink, eh?

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