12th March 2009
Day 156
Everyone I have met who has been to New Zealand says their favourite place is Queenstown. I thought it might be good but never expected it to match the hype, but I was wrong - it's great!
We have managed to get a four bed private room with en suite somehow. Helena, Hannah, Marianne and I have a bath in the en suite, a TV in the room and packs of coffee and milo (chocolate drink)!.
We stayed in tonight watching films and eating sweets that we got from the British Sweet Shop (mmm... minstrels).
Friday, 27 March 2009
Day 155 Face masks
11th March 2009
Pamper Day
Day 155
Today we left Franz Josef and came to Wanaka. Helana, Hannah and I paid an extra 1 dollar and were upgraded to the girls only dorm called the sanctuary! Got a complimentary towel, moisturiser, tea, coffee and glass of bubbly. Spent the night reading magazines, washing hair (they even had a blow dryer), doing face masks, drinking tea and painting nails.
Well good!
Pamper Day
Day 155
Today we left Franz Josef and came to Wanaka. Helana, Hannah and I paid an extra 1 dollar and were upgraded to the girls only dorm called the sanctuary! Got a complimentary towel, moisturiser, tea, coffee and glass of bubbly. Spent the night reading magazines, washing hair (they even had a blow dryer), doing face masks, drinking tea and painting nails.
Well good!
Day 154 No glacier for me thanks
10th March 2009
Skipping the glacier
Day 154
Chilled out with Hannah and Helena today. Most people went to do the glacier hike because they say "I want to do the glacier hike because I don't know when I'll have the chance to do one again". Well to be honest I have never wanted to do one and don't think I ever will.
Today it was raining. Most people got back around 8pm ish, soaking wet and not very happy. When I asked how it was, the 2 replies were either "cold" or "wet".
Skipping the glacier
Day 154
Chilled out with Hannah and Helena today. Most people went to do the glacier hike because they say "I want to do the glacier hike because I don't know when I'll have the chance to do one again". Well to be honest I have never wanted to do one and don't think I ever will.
Today it was raining. Most people got back around 8pm ish, soaking wet and not very happy. When I asked how it was, the 2 replies were either "cold" or "wet".
Day 153 To the Glacier
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Day 152 Go, go Power Rangers
8th March 2009
Day 152
Feeling in a slightly better mood today, which isn't hard. So looking forward to Thailand now - something different and cheap. Can't wait to get to south-east Asia and book some tours and go to some classes. And then there's the massages! Ah I could do with a back massage now. Anyway, I'm at a place called Lake Manihipua today and have met some girls from my bus. It's a fancy dress party tonight and the theme is 'P'. Everyone must go as something beginning with the letter 'P'. The girls I met, Hannah and Helena, and I have decided to go as Power Rangers. POW!
Day 152
Feeling in a slightly better mood today, which isn't hard. So looking forward to Thailand now - something different and cheap. Can't wait to get to south-east Asia and book some tours and go to some classes. And then there's the massages! Ah I could do with a back massage now. Anyway, I'm at a place called Lake Manihipua today and have met some girls from my bus. It's a fancy dress party tonight and the theme is 'P'. Everyone must go as something beginning with the letter 'P'. The girls I met, Hannah and Helena, and I have decided to go as Power Rangers. POW!
Day 151 Moaning
7th March 2009
Moan moan moan
Day 151
Got V festival tickets sorted last night for me and Tania! It's going to be so cool. Oasis and The Killers are headlining.
That's the good news.
I am on a right downer today. I have had enough and it's only 9:30am. Today isn't going to be good. I want to get out of New Zealand. Same old shit every day and night. Money decreasing, chance of getting on the PGCE course decreasing, I've had enough. Just noticed that I've been away for 5 months today. What a way to commemorate the occasion by having a rant and being depressed. God awful bus, every night surrounded by teenagers whose sole mission, every night, is to get as drunk as possible. EVERY NIGHT! Then being woken up all the time. Lying in bed trying to cover my ears then when I get up in the morning I try to be so quiet - it's all bull shit.
12 days left in NZ - enough to throw myself off a ledge (bungee jump).
We had a stop by a lake and I ended up chatting to some people who were not on the bus but who had been camping in the area for the past few days. Oh I was so glad to speak to some normal people. They were so normal and nice! When I got to the next destination, I met a girl at the hostel who wasn't from my bus either and chatted to her for a while. She had been hitch-hiking around NZ and it was so good to have a conversation with someone that did not centre around alcohol.
Moan moan moan
Day 151
Got V festival tickets sorted last night for me and Tania! It's going to be so cool. Oasis and The Killers are headlining.
That's the good news.
I am on a right downer today. I have had enough and it's only 9:30am. Today isn't going to be good. I want to get out of New Zealand. Same old shit every day and night. Money decreasing, chance of getting on the PGCE course decreasing, I've had enough. Just noticed that I've been away for 5 months today. What a way to commemorate the occasion by having a rant and being depressed. God awful bus, every night surrounded by teenagers whose sole mission, every night, is to get as drunk as possible. EVERY NIGHT! Then being woken up all the time. Lying in bed trying to cover my ears then when I get up in the morning I try to be so quiet - it's all bull shit.
12 days left in NZ - enough to throw myself off a ledge (bungee jump).
We had a stop by a lake and I ended up chatting to some people who were not on the bus but who had been camping in the area for the past few days. Oh I was so glad to speak to some normal people. They were so normal and nice! When I got to the next destination, I met a girl at the hostel who wasn't from my bus either and chatted to her for a while. She had been hitch-hiking around NZ and it was so good to have a conversation with someone that did not centre around alcohol.
Day 150 Ferry Drama
6th March 2009
How hard is it to get on a coach?
Day 150
So my coach that picks me up from the hostel and goes to the ferry terminal for the ferry to the south island leaves at 7:15am... or so I thought. I got outside the hostel at 7:15am to see it drive past me. Ok so maybe I got there a little after 7:15 and I remember the driver yesterday saying they leave Wellington at 7:15 even thought I thought he was just saying that to get me there 15 minutes early (like they usually do) and I thought the actual time the coach would leave was 7:30 am. By these calculations I was about 10 minutes early for the coach. It just worried me that the coach had just driven past me and that there was no one else around waiting for a coach, well there was no one else around at all!
Getting slightly worried, I went into the hostel and asked what time the coach usually leaves. The girl behind the desk said she didn't know, but she had just seen a coach drive past. To save face, I said that it was just going to get petrol (which I hoped) even though I obviously had no idea and I had just asked about it and now I was acting like I knew what was going on to avoid the embarassment of knowing that she was thinking I had missed the coach. It was very bizarre.
I went back outside and was extremely aware that I was on my own. My ticket for the ferry, which I had bought last night, said final check in time was 7:40am. It was now 7:30am. Not bothered about losing face anymore I went back to the receptionist and asked her to call me a taxi. The taxi was at the hostel in 5 minutes, although it felt I had been waiting a lot longer. The taxi man said it would take 10 minutes to get to the ferry terminal.
I told him about how I'd been at the hostel on time and how the coach had driven straight past me and now I may miss the ferry. He seemed to be listening (a taxi driver skill?), but did not seem to share the same outrage at the coach driver as I did.
In the end, I got to the terminal and onto the ferry and was still fuming so marched over to the phones and tried to call the coach office to inform them that I had been stranded and forgotten. I frantically pressed the buttons but found that none of the phones worked, which looking back was definately a good thing as when I had calmed down I admitted to myself that the coach hadn't left early but it was I who had been late and missed the coach.
How hard is it to get on a coach?
Day 150
So my coach that picks me up from the hostel and goes to the ferry terminal for the ferry to the south island leaves at 7:15am... or so I thought. I got outside the hostel at 7:15am to see it drive past me. Ok so maybe I got there a little after 7:15 and I remember the driver yesterday saying they leave Wellington at 7:15 even thought I thought he was just saying that to get me there 15 minutes early (like they usually do) and I thought the actual time the coach would leave was 7:30 am. By these calculations I was about 10 minutes early for the coach. It just worried me that the coach had just driven past me and that there was no one else around waiting for a coach, well there was no one else around at all!
Getting slightly worried, I went into the hostel and asked what time the coach usually leaves. The girl behind the desk said she didn't know, but she had just seen a coach drive past. To save face, I said that it was just going to get petrol (which I hoped) even though I obviously had no idea and I had just asked about it and now I was acting like I knew what was going on to avoid the embarassment of knowing that she was thinking I had missed the coach. It was very bizarre.
I went back outside and was extremely aware that I was on my own. My ticket for the ferry, which I had bought last night, said final check in time was 7:40am. It was now 7:30am. Not bothered about losing face anymore I went back to the receptionist and asked her to call me a taxi. The taxi was at the hostel in 5 minutes, although it felt I had been waiting a lot longer. The taxi man said it would take 10 minutes to get to the ferry terminal.
I told him about how I'd been at the hostel on time and how the coach had driven straight past me and now I may miss the ferry. He seemed to be listening (a taxi driver skill?), but did not seem to share the same outrage at the coach driver as I did.
In the end, I got to the terminal and onto the ferry and was still fuming so marched over to the phones and tried to call the coach office to inform them that I had been stranded and forgotten. I frantically pressed the buttons but found that none of the phones worked, which looking back was definately a good thing as when I had calmed down I admitted to myself that the coach hadn't left early but it was I who had been late and missed the coach.
Day 149 Te Papa Museum
5th March 2009
A museum is still a museum
Day 149
Got up and went to Te Papa Museum, New Zealand's best and interactive experience apparently. Everyone raves on about how good it is and how 'you'll need at least a whole day there'. I was in and out in 2 hours. It was OK and all but maybe it was bigged up too much.
A museum is still a museum
Day 149
Got up and went to Te Papa Museum, New Zealand's best and interactive experience apparently. Everyone raves on about how good it is and how 'you'll need at least a whole day there'. I was in and out in 2 hours. It was OK and all but maybe it was bigged up too much.
Day 148 Hostels, urgh
4th March 2009
Hostel life
Day 148
Was woken up at 2:30am by a fire alarm. Everyone in the hostel had to go down the fire escape (5 floors for me) and wait outside until the firemen said it was OK to go back inside. It was quite random seeing everyone in their pyjamas and some still pissed up, including this guy who's birthday it had been. His friends had to carry him down the fire escape and he had pen all over his face from where they'd been writing on him.
It didn't take long until we could go back to our rooms (up 5 floors). Apparently someone had set off the fire alarm. Very clever.
Got back to sleep only to be woken up by 3 girls in the room returning from their night out and turning on the light. They began reminiscing, loudly, about how liberating they found it when they participated in the bar game that involved them stripping off in front of the whole bar for a free drink (I doubt they'll feel liberated in the morning. How quickly it changes to embarassment). They eventually went to sleep.
In the morning the sounds of a pneumatic drill on the streets below rung in my ears even though the room was far up and the windows were closed. Unfortunately they didn't shut properly. Oh the joys of staying in a hostel!
Hostel life
Day 148
Was woken up at 2:30am by a fire alarm. Everyone in the hostel had to go down the fire escape (5 floors for me) and wait outside until the firemen said it was OK to go back inside. It was quite random seeing everyone in their pyjamas and some still pissed up, including this guy who's birthday it had been. His friends had to carry him down the fire escape and he had pen all over his face from where they'd been writing on him.
It didn't take long until we could go back to our rooms (up 5 floors). Apparently someone had set off the fire alarm. Very clever.
Got back to sleep only to be woken up by 3 girls in the room returning from their night out and turning on the light. They began reminiscing, loudly, about how liberating they found it when they participated in the bar game that involved them stripping off in front of the whole bar for a free drink (I doubt they'll feel liberated in the morning. How quickly it changes to embarassment). They eventually went to sleep.
In the morning the sounds of a pneumatic drill on the streets below rung in my ears even though the room was far up and the windows were closed. Unfortunately they didn't shut properly. Oh the joys of staying in a hostel!
Day 147 Purr
3rd March 2009
Day 147
I woke up early this morning - 2am early. It was due to the purr-ing sound quite loud and at first I thought some wild animal had got in the room through the window. Bravely, I opened my eyes to see what it was. It was the 'Forest', the hostels cat and he was walking over everyone's beds. It jumped on my bed and I moved my legs out of the way. It lay down, curled up in a ball and fell asleep. So I spent the night with a cat in my bed, with my legs dangling off the edge.
Forest was still in my bed after I'd got up in the morning, having a lie in. Later in the day when I was reading my book he walked past me. I stretched out to stroke him and he avoided me. Charming!
Well later on today I'm off to Wellington, New Zealand's capital city and am rather excited about it.
Day 147
I woke up early this morning - 2am early. It was due to the purr-ing sound quite loud and at first I thought some wild animal had got in the room through the window. Bravely, I opened my eyes to see what it was. It was the 'Forest', the hostels cat and he was walking over everyone's beds. It jumped on my bed and I moved my legs out of the way. It lay down, curled up in a ball and fell asleep. So I spent the night with a cat in my bed, with my legs dangling off the edge.
Forest was still in my bed after I'd got up in the morning, having a lie in. Later in the day when I was reading my book he walked past me. I stretched out to stroke him and he avoided me. Charming!
Well later on today I'm off to Wellington, New Zealand's capital city and am rather excited about it.
Day 146 Dude where's my memory?
2nd March 2009
Day 146
At a place called River Valley now. Thinking that yesterday morning I was probably still a bit drunk from the night before, but I did feel great all day and talked to so many different people. I've got a bit of a niggling feeling that I did something bad on Friday night. All I can remember is being in a bar on some guys back who was dressed as a fairy, then sitting on some chairs having a drunken conversation with someone then being in reception and asking where I could get some chips. That is all. The great new group of people that were so friendly and chatty with me on Friday day are no longer friendly and chatty which makes me feel confused, slightly amused but curious.
I told a Swedish girl I'm here with about it and she thought it was funny as I did. It's fine really, but I would like to know what actually happened.
Day 146
At a place called River Valley now. Thinking that yesterday morning I was probably still a bit drunk from the night before, but I did feel great all day and talked to so many different people. I've got a bit of a niggling feeling that I did something bad on Friday night. All I can remember is being in a bar on some guys back who was dressed as a fairy, then sitting on some chairs having a drunken conversation with someone then being in reception and asking where I could get some chips. That is all. The great new group of people that were so friendly and chatty with me on Friday day are no longer friendly and chatty which makes me feel confused, slightly amused but curious.
I told a Swedish girl I'm here with about it and she thought it was funny as I did. It's fine really, but I would like to know what actually happened.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
1st March 2009
Flying (well, falling actually)
Day 145
Hungover this morning - all that goon and beer combined with whatever I ate last night plus forgetting to brush my teeth before bed resulted in not the nicest smelling breath this morning. Ew. Oh well at least I don't have a big dirty lovebite on my neck.
No time to feel ill though. Had a shower and was singing. Happy this morning and went for a skydive!!! It was fantastic. Got ace pictures and a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svealuwP4W0 (click this for the video)
Flying (well, falling actually)
Day 145
Hungover this morning - all that goon and beer combined with whatever I ate last night plus forgetting to brush my teeth before bed resulted in not the nicest smelling breath this morning. Ew. Oh well at least I don't have a big dirty lovebite on my neck.
No time to feel ill though. Had a shower and was singing. Happy this morning and went for a skydive!!! It was fantastic. Got ace pictures and a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svealuwP4W0 (click this for the video)

Day 144 Free drinks competition
28th February 2009
Free drinks?
Day 144
Leaving Karen's today. It's been good staying with the family for 3 weeks, but now it's time to go.
Got on the Kiwi Experience bus in Waitomo and met some really cool people. Went to Taupo and to the bar and got drunk for the first time in weeks (The drinking games and goon was a little excessive)! At the bar they needed volunteers for a competition to win free alcohol at the bar, which is stupid really as the people who volunteer for the competition are the ones who have drunk way too much anyway. So I volunteered. Standing in front of everyone was 3 guys and 3 girls - (me being one of the girls obv). Then the announcement was made that it was a lovebite competition and whichever guy gave a girl the best lovebite would win the pair some free drinks. Lovely.
So I started pulling my face and was asked if I wanted to be part of the competition. I decided against it as I'd prefer to pay for my drinks than walk around with a big dirty lovebite for the next week. So I walked over to my new friends and thought they would be in support of my decision, but they all seemed pissed off and didn't get it! No one seems bothered about morals or anything that gets in the way of free drinks. Maybe I'm getting old?...
Free drinks?
Day 144
Leaving Karen's today. It's been good staying with the family for 3 weeks, but now it's time to go.
Got on the Kiwi Experience bus in Waitomo and met some really cool people. Went to Taupo and to the bar and got drunk for the first time in weeks (The drinking games and goon was a little excessive)! At the bar they needed volunteers for a competition to win free alcohol at the bar, which is stupid really as the people who volunteer for the competition are the ones who have drunk way too much anyway. So I volunteered. Standing in front of everyone was 3 guys and 3 girls - (me being one of the girls obv). Then the announcement was made that it was a lovebite competition and whichever guy gave a girl the best lovebite would win the pair some free drinks. Lovely.
So I started pulling my face and was asked if I wanted to be part of the competition. I decided against it as I'd prefer to pay for my drinks than walk around with a big dirty lovebite for the next week. So I walked over to my new friends and thought they would be in support of my decision, but they all seemed pissed off and didn't get it! No one seems bothered about morals or anything that gets in the way of free drinks. Maybe I'm getting old?...
Day 142 Labyrinth
26th February 2009
It's all cavey baby!
Day 142
WOW! Went to Waitomo caves today and did the 'Labyrinth' tour through the glowworm caves! It was fantastic. Wore a wet suit and a helmet with a light on and sat in a inner tube to float through the caves. There were some waterfalls that we had to jump off backwards with the rubber ring on our bums.
It's all cavey baby!
Day 142
WOW! Went to Waitomo caves today and did the 'Labyrinth' tour through the glowworm caves! It was fantastic. Wore a wet suit and a helmet with a light on and sat in a inner tube to float through the caves. There were some waterfalls that we had to jump off backwards with the rubber ring on our bums.
Day 141 Bring on the caves
25th February 2009
Day 141
Arranged my travel plans to leave Karens. Also booked a caving tour for tomorrow. Should be fun!
Day 141
Arranged my travel plans to leave Karens. Also booked a caving tour for tomorrow. Should be fun!
Day 140 Cake
24th February 2009
Day 140
I know it's coming up for the time to leave Karen and her family and head to Waitomo. My original plan was to stay at Karen's for a few days. It's been over two weeks and I'm still here. Staying here has been great but I must leave while my clothes still fit me (so much cake!), my trousers can't take much more.
Day 140
I know it's coming up for the time to leave Karen and her family and head to Waitomo. My original plan was to stay at Karen's for a few days. It's been over two weeks and I'm still here. Staying here has been great but I must leave while my clothes still fit me (so much cake!), my trousers can't take much more.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Day 139 Pictures
23rd February 2009
Day 139
Went to the pictures with Emma and watched Slumdog Millionaire - what a good film! Then at night we watched Mamma Mia. Mmm... Colin Firth.
Day 139
Went to the pictures with Emma and watched Slumdog Millionaire - what a good film! Then at night we watched Mamma Mia. Mmm... Colin Firth.
Day 138 Angelic
22nd February 2009
Day 138
Went to church again this morning. 3 times in a row! I have set myself a new record. Still don't join in with the singing though. Had a picnic after by the Waikato river and went to the pet shop to get bubbles the goldfish a proper home.
Day 138
Went to church again this morning. 3 times in a row! I have set myself a new record. Still don't join in with the singing though. Had a picnic after by the Waikato river and went to the pet shop to get bubbles the goldfish a proper home.
Day 137 Fish Salad
21st February 2009
Something's fishy...
Day 137
Went to the Market this morning with Karen and Abby. Karen bought Abby a fish. When we got it back to the house we had to temporarily put it in a salad bowl until they got a proper fish tank. We had to put a sieve on top of the bowl in case the fish tried to jump out (it was quite an active fish). Karen and Ashley have their house up for sale and had an 'open house' day for people to visit so the fish in the salad bowl with the sieve on top had to be hidden in a cupboard. How random would it look if anyone saw!
Something's fishy...
Day 137
Went to the Market this morning with Karen and Abby. Karen bought Abby a fish. When we got it back to the house we had to temporarily put it in a salad bowl until they got a proper fish tank. We had to put a sieve on top of the bowl in case the fish tried to jump out (it was quite an active fish). Karen and Ashley have their house up for sale and had an 'open house' day for people to visit so the fish in the salad bowl with the sieve on top had to be hidden in a cupboard. How random would it look if anyone saw!
Day 136 Same as yesterday
20th February 2009
Kelly would not recommend getting an ambulance in a foreign country unless it's a life or death situation
Day 136
Trying not to stress about this ambulance cost
Kelly would not recommend getting an ambulance in a foreign country unless it's a life or death situation
Day 136
Trying not to stress about this ambulance cost
Day 135 Argh
19th February 2009
Stupid Ambulance cost
Day 135
Ah! It's on my mind - this ambulance cost. I read my terms and conditions in my insurance and don't think they'll cover it as it's been over 31 days since it happened,
Stupid Ambulance cost
Day 135
Ah! It's on my mind - this ambulance cost. I read my terms and conditions in my insurance and don't think they'll cover it as it's been over 31 days since it happened,
Day 134 Next time take a taxi
18th February 2009
Australian Ambulance (hiring a limo would have been cheaper)
Day 134
Checked emails this morning. Dad received a letter for me from the Australian Ambulance Service. That little incident in Sydney last month is going to cost 280 quid! Don't think my insurance will cover it either.
Australian Ambulance (hiring a limo would have been cheaper)
Day 134
Checked emails this morning. Dad received a letter for me from the Australian Ambulance Service. That little incident in Sydney last month is going to cost 280 quid! Don't think my insurance will cover it either.
Day 133 Over thinking
17th February 2009
Over thinking
Day 133
I've run out of things to do. Got car again. Went for a coffee. Went cafe. Couldn't find Karen's house. I've been there for 10 days now and feel a bit guilty for eating all their food so am going food shopping. Don't want to leave yet but only have a month left in NZ so will have to go soon anyway.
Have a lot of spare time and time to over think recently. Here are just a few of my current 'worries' - heart and lung problems, my feet look old, I am fat (put on a stone nooooo - it's all that tasty cake), fringe needs cutting, nose is red, split ends in hair.
I have to much time to think.
Anyway off to the cinema tonight with Emma, Karen's daughter to see He's Just Not That Into You.
Over thinking
Day 133
I've run out of things to do. Got car again. Went for a coffee. Went cafe. Couldn't find Karen's house. I've been there for 10 days now and feel a bit guilty for eating all their food so am going food shopping. Don't want to leave yet but only have a month left in NZ so will have to go soon anyway.
Have a lot of spare time and time to over think recently. Here are just a few of my current 'worries' - heart and lung problems, my feet look old, I am fat (put on a stone nooooo - it's all that tasty cake), fringe needs cutting, nose is red, split ends in hair.
I have to much time to think.
Anyway off to the cinema tonight with Emma, Karen's daughter to see He's Just Not That Into You.
Day 132 Miss. Jackson
16th February 2009
Miss. Jackson
Day 132
Got the car for the day so just chilling out. Checked my emails and Harriet (Hi H!) said some mail had arrived for me. Just over a week ago I completed an online application for a PGCE (teaching) course. I have decided to become a teacher. Hopefully I can start this September otherwise I'll have to wait til next year. The problem is that for the interview I wont be in the UK. I asked my sister is she'll go to the interview for me and pretend she is me but she said she isn't prepared to lie for me, or something like that.
Oh and get this -
Miss. Jackson
Day 132
Got the car for the day so just chilling out. Checked my emails and Harriet (Hi H!) said some mail had arrived for me. Just over a week ago I completed an online application for a PGCE (teaching) course. I have decided to become a teacher. Hopefully I can start this September otherwise I'll have to wait til next year. The problem is that for the interview I wont be in the UK. I asked my sister is she'll go to the interview for me and pretend she is me but she said she isn't prepared to lie for me, or something like that.
Oh and get this -
open window + lamp on after sunset = insect party in your room
I learnt the hard way. There were bugs, beetles, moths, earwigs and all sorts going crazy in my room and I only had the window open for 2 hours. The moth was the size of a tennis ball, Josh had to get it for me.
Day 131 Praise the Lord
15th February 2009
Praise the Lord
Day 131
Church this morning (twice in a row - I'm defo going to heaven now) then to Hamilton Gardens and lake.
Praise the Lord
Day 131
Church this morning (twice in a row - I'm defo going to heaven now) then to Hamilton Gardens and lake.
Day 130 Where's my card?
14th February 2009
Day 130
Happy Valentines Day! Went out with the family for shopping and walking around a lake.
Day 130
Happy Valentines Day! Went out with the family for shopping and walking around a lake.
Day 129 Nice
13th February 2009
Day 129
Got the car and drove to Cambridge and Hamilton. I have to say that these people I am staying with are the kindest and nicest people I have ever met. They have been so nice to me and made me feel right at home. I don't want to leave. Karen is the best cook ever and her cakes are the best. I never eat cake but I do now.
They are so nice and it makes me want to be a better person.
Day 129
Got the car and drove to Cambridge and Hamilton. I have to say that these people I am staying with are the kindest and nicest people I have ever met. They have been so nice to me and made me feel right at home. I don't want to leave. Karen is the best cook ever and her cakes are the best. I never eat cake but I do now.
They are so nice and it makes me want to be a better person.
Day 128 Family life
12th February 2009
Family life
Day 128
Went out with Karen in the day and in the evening they showed me the family photos, which was nice. I am so happy here and haven't ate so well since I left home.
I always find it fascinating to see families that are together as I hardly know any at all. When I was growing up in Werrington, most of the families in my street lived with one parent - the kids next door lived with their dad and the boys across the road lived with their mum (who had a boyfriend who could crack house tiles with his head - at the time we were impressed) and the boy up the road who was in my class lived with his mum and mums boyfriend and nearly all my friends too. The exceptions were the Catholic family in my street and Jennie's family and the people I am with now.
What's the connection? All churchgoers. All religious and believe in God. Everyone else got divorced and the kids got step-parents and siblings. Not that that's a bad thing, on the contrary it can be great! But there is a great atmosphere being in a house with a proper family. Very peaceful and settled, or maybe it's because of the religion thing. There's no bitterness or awkwardness ans everyone just be's themselves. I like it here.
Family life
Day 128
Went out with Karen in the day and in the evening they showed me the family photos, which was nice. I am so happy here and haven't ate so well since I left home.
I always find it fascinating to see families that are together as I hardly know any at all. When I was growing up in Werrington, most of the families in my street lived with one parent - the kids next door lived with their dad and the boys across the road lived with their mum (who had a boyfriend who could crack house tiles with his head - at the time we were impressed) and the boy up the road who was in my class lived with his mum and mums boyfriend and nearly all my friends too. The exceptions were the Catholic family in my street and Jennie's family and the people I am with now.
What's the connection? All churchgoers. All religious and believe in God. Everyone else got divorced and the kids got step-parents and siblings. Not that that's a bad thing, on the contrary it can be great! But there is a great atmosphere being in a house with a proper family. Very peaceful and settled, or maybe it's because of the religion thing. There's no bitterness or awkwardness ans everyone just be's themselves. I like it here.
Day 127 Brum, brum
11th February 2009
Driving around
Day 127
Went for a big drive today to Tirau and Mount Maunganui
Driving around
Day 127
Went for a big drive today to Tirau and Mount Maunganui
Day 126 Limo
10th February 2009
Day 126
Went to Hamilton Gardens today with Karen then went to Ashleys place of work and sat in Julia Roberts's limousine. Cool.
Day 126
Went to Hamilton Gardens today with Karen then went to Ashleys place of work and sat in Julia Roberts's limousine. Cool.
Day 125 Hamilton
9th February 2009
Day 125
Karen and Ashley have put me on their car insurance so had the car today and went round Hamilton.
Day 125
Karen and Ashley have put me on their car insurance so had the car today and went round Hamilton.
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