Sunday, 1 March 2009

Day 128 Family life

12th February 2009

Family life

Day 128

Went out with Karen in the day and in the evening they showed me the family photos, which was nice. I am so happy here and haven't ate so well since I left home.

I always find it fascinating to see families that are together as I hardly know any at all. When I was growing up in Werrington, most of the families in my street lived with one parent - the kids next door lived with their dad and the boys across the road lived with their mum (who had a boyfriend who could crack house tiles with his head - at the time we were impressed) and the boy up the road who was in my class lived with his mum and mums boyfriend and nearly all my friends too. The exceptions were the Catholic family in my street and Jennie's family and the people I am with now.

What's the connection? All churchgoers. All religious and believe in God. Everyone else got divorced and the kids got step-parents and siblings. Not that that's a bad thing, on the contrary it can be great! But there is a great atmosphere being in a house with a proper family. Very peaceful and settled, or maybe it's because of the religion thing. There's no bitterness or awkwardness ans everyone just be's themselves. I like it here.

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