Thursday, 23 October 2008

Day 16 Hello Australia!

23rd October 2008

G'day mate

Day 16

I am in Australia. Got 3 months here. Going to a Slipknot gig tomorrow, well tomorrow or the day after - must check. Picked up a WWOOFing pack today, which is sort of a volunteer programme. Hoping to get some volunteering done around Brisbane. The deal is if for about 5 hours of work a day, you get accommodation and food. The places are mostly farms and they work seems to be gardening, painting, looking after farm animals, etc.

Well I am here on my own so decided to get speaking to some people. Got chatting to a German girl who is also travelling on her own. She was meant to be in Australia for 9 months and working here as well, but it turns out she doesn't like it so is getting a flight back home! Good start.

The dorm room I'm in is shared with 5 other girls including a Taiwanese girl who is really worried about her english speaking skills and wants to practice talking to people. I told her she should come to the bar tonight as she's alone and doesn't know anyone, like me. Not sure if she'll come though. It's 'ladies night' at the bar tonight. Cheap wine here I come!

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