Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Day 18 The day after the Slipknot gig

25th October

Feeling rough in Surfers Paradise

Day 18

I am hunover again.

The Slipknot concert was MENTAL! Dan (the guy I went with) wanted to go near to the front, so we did. We were 3 people from the front. It wasn't too bad at first. Very crushed. I kept making jokes to all the people around me about how close we all were. They didn't seem too impressed though. Oh and this one hard core guy in front of me had long black hair and it was in my face but it smelled lovely, so I told him he had lovely smelling hair and he said thanks. Then he turned around and told me he uses L'Oreal. It was quite bizarre as we were at a Slipknot gig.

As time went on I eventually couldn't move my arms as it was that crushed. This was a problem when crowd surfers came over head and I couldn't put my arms up to hold them up/protect my head so I kept ducking and hoping for the best. Dan had one hand free and took a video clip. I'll try to put it on here. (The URL for it is http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=44902567628&subj=672026396 so I don't know if clicking on that will work. Let me know!) The bouncers at the front of the barriers kept pouring water into everyones mouths. It was so mad. No one could free their arms and just stood there with their mouths open wide and all water went over my hair, in my eyes and over my clothes. I went in with straight hair and left looking like I'd had a perm. It was crazy.

Then a load of guys fell on top of me. Most of them got up but 2 of them were laid across my legs and everyone was jumping and pushing and I couldn't get up because of these 2 guys and they couldn't get up and I couldn't put my hands on the floor to push myself up as everyone was jumping about. I looked around and saw all these legs and some random shoes that people had lost and thought 'how on earth am I gonna get up?'. This guy grabbed me from behind and dragged me from underneath the two guys that were on me.

After this it was really squashed again and no one could move. Then I felt something warm and wet behind me. I think a guy that was pushed up against me took a piss when he was standing there as it got very warm, very quickly in that area. I shouted to Dan 'I think the guy behind me just had a piss', then we decided to go a bit further back and fight our was out of the crowds.

We eventually got further back and it was cool, but we were soaking from the water/sweat/etc (ew). When it had finished, we walked back towards our hostels and saw this guy who was wearing odd shoes. He said he lost one, but found another so he was walking around with one black shoe and one white shoe.

Anyway, today I went to a place called Surfers Paradise feeling pretty rough and bruised. Surfers Paradise is the actual name of the town! It was cool and hopefully I'll go there on my way down to Sydney.

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