23rd November 2008
Leaving Hervey Bay
Day 47
I am on my own again. God I hate when I leave people. When I woke up, most people had gone as they had early morning buses to catch. This morning I had breakfast and washed my underwear then phoned up Greyhound coaches to book a bus pass for the next few weeks. The plan is to go to Cairns.
Looking back I thought it may have been better to fly into Cairns and work my way down to Sydney, but instead I flew into Brisbane and am heading north to Cairns, then getting a flight down to Brisbane when I leave Cairns then heading South to Byron Bay then to Sydney. Even though this seems to be more expensive (extra coach up north and a flight) it has actually worked out cheaper than if I had flown to Cairns straight away. The flight to Brisbane is under 50 quid! The coach from Cairns to Brisbane would have been in the 100's. How crazy is that?
Anyway I booked a coach ticket over the phone and I leave Hervey Bay today to go to Bundaberg. After booking the coach ticket, I went on the internet to book accommodation in Bundaberg, but everywhere was fully booked. DOH! It's strange though because I actually don't care. I'll just turn up and see if anything is available.
Got a bit depressed being at the hostel by myself so got the shuttle bus to the bus stop where the coach will arrive and I'll wait there for a while rather than being at the hostel on my own. I got the shuttle bus to the coach stop, and as I was getting off the shuttle bus I remembered something - I left all my underwear on the washing line back at the hostel! DOH!
Went in the shopping centre near to the coach shop to re-stock on underwear so now I have all new underwear. All I need now is somewhere to stay for the night.
4:30pm I am in Bundaberg. There is no accommodation anywhere in this town. Whoops. I've had to book the next coach out of here to Rockhampton, where one hostel there has a room. Only problem is they only have male dorm rooms left and it will be 11:30pm by the time I get there. The lady at the hostels reception said she will leave a key to the room in an outside safe and gave me the safe code.
It's ok though because Bundaberg looks a but naff anyway. There were 2 Canadian men I got speaking to at the coach station. They did the same as me and turned up with no accommodation booekd so were waiting for a coach to somewhere else.
I thought I learnt my lesson in Japan - don't leave it until the last minute to book accommodation. Obviously not.
Oh well, skipping Bundaberg gives me extra time to spend in other places. Got to keep positive about these things!
I love Australia
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Day 46 Fraser Island last day HUNGOVER
22nd November 2008
Day 46
I have never woken up so drunk in my life. Woke up in the tent and felt so ill. Oh it was awful. I'm definately not driving today.
Everyone was so nice though. I slept in the van whilst they had breakfast, made the sandwiches for lunch and put the tents down.
We went to Eli Creek today. It was nice and involved minimal effort. Then we went to Lake Wabby. We had to walk 1.8km to get to Lake Wabby through woods and 1km over sand dunes. I thought I wasn't going to make it. It was awful! The walk that is, not the lake. The lake was cool. Went swimming in it, which helped to sober me up a bit then joined everyone in a run down the hill and jumping into the lake. It was so fun! Then I decided to walk up the hill and roll down horizontally. As I was feeling a little better it seemed like a great idea at the time. I didn't feel too good after I did it.
The walk back was easier but the drive to the ferry off Fraser Island was over all the tree roots and bumpy roads. Not good.
Tim and I had a gaytime. My attention was first brought to gaytimes during a TV commercial. Gaytimes are a make of ice cream over here. There catchphrase is 'it's so hard to have a Gaytime on your own'. Seriously.
Day 46
I have never woken up so drunk in my life. Woke up in the tent and felt so ill. Oh it was awful. I'm definately not driving today.
Everyone was so nice though. I slept in the van whilst they had breakfast, made the sandwiches for lunch and put the tents down.
We went to Eli Creek today. It was nice and involved minimal effort. Then we went to Lake Wabby. We had to walk 1.8km to get to Lake Wabby through woods and 1km over sand dunes. I thought I wasn't going to make it. It was awful! The walk that is, not the lake. The lake was cool. Went swimming in it, which helped to sober me up a bit then joined everyone in a run down the hill and jumping into the lake. It was so fun! Then I decided to walk up the hill and roll down horizontally. As I was feeling a little better it seemed like a great idea at the time. I didn't feel too good after I did it.
The walk back was easier but the drive to the ferry off Fraser Island was over all the tree roots and bumpy roads. Not good.
Tim and I had a gaytime. My attention was first brought to gaytimes during a TV commercial. Gaytimes are a make of ice cream over here. There catchphrase is 'it's so hard to have a Gaytime on your own'. Seriously.
Day 45 Fraser Island 2nd Day
21st November 2008

Fraser Island 2nd Day
Day 45
Lovely weather today!
We went to a place on Fraser Island called Indian Head. It was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. We could see the mantarays in the sea from where we were standing. Took some pics then accidentally trod on my glasses when I left them on the floor. Clever. It was strange though as usually I'd be pissed off when things like that happen, but I really didn't care. I'll find some glue one day and fix them.

We all then went to a place called 'Champagne Pools' and had a swim. The salt water irritated a rash on my neck though and it stung like hell.

All the people I am with are so cool. There is Jamie, Tim, Lucy, Laura, Jess, Anna and Connie. When we got back to the campsite we had lunch and then me Jamie and Tim went to chill on the beach for a bit with some goon (cheap wine). It was fab. There were these huge fies around us though that bite and we had to defend ourselves by swatting them with flip flops whenever they came
near to us.

We went back to the campsite for dinner then we all strolled down to the beach again where we were drinking under the stars. We went for a paddle in the sea and all of this plankton were sparkling around our feet! It was surreal.

This guy Tim who is from England too is like my best bud here. He is so funny and I am having the best time here.

Fraser Island Baby!
Day 44

We aimed to be at the campsite for about 5pm ish but we got lost. Driving on the beach for ages we didn't know where the turning was and it was raining and getting dark. Then the thunder and lightning started. The lightening was PINK! We saw a giant turtle too.
After driving on the beach for ages we came to the conclusion that we must have missed the turning so turned around and drove back down the beach and just picked a turning that we found. The car got stuck in the sand so we had to get out and push it in the rain. When the car started and got out of the sand rut we all cheered and jumped in. We drove up this random turning for a while and agreed that even if it was the wrong place we'd stay here anyway. It was dark, wet and we were all getting hungry.
Turned out that it was the right turning! The people at the site weren't too impressed that we were (very) late. It was dark, still thunder and lightning, raining and we had 2 tents to put in. The tents were stupid. Stupid, stupid tents. Some bits were missing and sand kept getting into the poles and they took ages to put up.

We were hungry in the rain trying to put 2 stupid tents up - and it was so much fun! All of it. No one got moody or angry or anything and we all had a laugh. After the tents were finally up we had a BBQ and chilled drinking wine in the slighty wet tents until we fell asleep.
Day 43 Back in a hostel
19th November 2008
Hostel time
Day 43
It's been a while since I have stayed at a hostel after the Couchsurfing and volunteering for the past few weeks. I want my own room back again!
There were people outside the dorm window talking absolute rubbish very loudly and people kept comng in the room and turning the lights on and off.
This morning I have bite marks over my feet where something has had a nibble at me in the night. Nice.
The weather is lovely today though, so fingers crossed for Fraser Island tomorrow.
Met a girl called Jess and a guy called Craig who are going to Fraser Island tomorrow too. We went to the pub and had a few drinks and now I am so excited! AHHH!
Hostel time
Day 43
It's been a while since I have stayed at a hostel after the Couchsurfing and volunteering for the past few weeks. I want my own room back again!
There were people outside the dorm window talking absolute rubbish very loudly and people kept comng in the room and turning the lights on and off.
This morning I have bite marks over my feet where something has had a nibble at me in the night. Nice.
The weather is lovely today though, so fingers crossed for Fraser Island tomorrow.
Met a girl called Jess and a guy called Craig who are going to Fraser Island tomorrow too. We went to the pub and had a few drinks and now I am so excited! AHHH!
Day 42 Helloooo Hervey Bay!
18th November 2008
Helloooo Hervey Bay!
Day 42
Today's weather: rain, rain, rain, no rain, rain, no rain.
Rain gets me down.
I left Bambooland today. Janne has driven me to Hervey Bay and I went on the internet to check out the weather for the next few days to see when it's best for me to go to Fraser Island. I was hoping to go anytime in the next couple of days. The weather forecast is bad and only starts to get better in a week. DOH!
I wasn't too impressed that it'll be raining in my Fraser Island trip. There have been storms all over the East Coast.
Feeling a bit down I have noticed something has been missing out of my life this past 5 weeks I have been travelling, so to cheer myself up I went out and bought a bottle of the stuff today. It has cheered me up as I used to use it all the time back home and all of this volunteering and planting has taken its toll. Now I've got some nail polish I have nice shiny nails again. Yay!
I have got a grip and booked my Fraser Island trip for Thursday.
Helloooo Hervey Bay!
Day 42
Today's weather: rain, rain, rain, no rain, rain, no rain.
Rain gets me down.
I left Bambooland today. Janne has driven me to Hervey Bay and I went on the internet to check out the weather for the next few days to see when it's best for me to go to Fraser Island. I was hoping to go anytime in the next couple of days. The weather forecast is bad and only starts to get better in a week. DOH!
I wasn't too impressed that it'll be raining in my Fraser Island trip. There have been storms all over the East Coast.
Feeling a bit down I have noticed something has been missing out of my life this past 5 weeks I have been travelling, so to cheer myself up I went out and bought a bottle of the stuff today. It has cheered me up as I used to use it all the time back home and all of this volunteering and planting has taken its toll. Now I've got some nail polish I have nice shiny nails again. Yay!
I have got a grip and booked my Fraser Island trip for Thursday.
Day 41 Kangaroo spotting
17th November 2008
Planting and Kangaroo spotting
Day 41
Planted some bamboo today then Mona and I went kangaroo spotting. We saw some wild kangaroos jumping around. You can't get close to them because they see you and jump off. Mona said she thought that my blog was funny and likes it, so that was a relief.
I leave Bambooland tomorrow. It's strange. I was happy to leave Japan, Brisbane and Mooloolaba but I could easily spend a few more weeks here.
There has been some crazy weather here though this past few days. The loudest thunder and brightest lightening I have ever seen! The windows and I were shaking! We only got a little of the storm though. Brisbane got the worst of it so God knows what it was like there.
Planting and Kangaroo spotting
Day 41
Planted some bamboo today then Mona and I went kangaroo spotting. We saw some wild kangaroos jumping around. You can't get close to them because they see you and jump off. Mona said she thought that my blog was funny and likes it, so that was a relief.
I leave Bambooland tomorrow. It's strange. I was happy to leave Japan, Brisbane and Mooloolaba but I could easily spend a few more weeks here.
There has been some crazy weather here though this past few days. The loudest thunder and brightest lightening I have ever seen! The windows and I were shaking! We only got a little of the storm though. Brisbane got the worst of it so God knows what it was like there.
Day 40 ID please
16th November 2008
PUB talk
Day 40
We went around some pubs last night in Hervey Bay. On the last pub we went to though I got asked for ID and I hadn't brought any out with me. Bummer. Janne said there was a side entrance to the pub so I sneaked in and sat in a corner. When it was my round I passed Janne some money and he went to the bar for me.
Janne was driving us home later in the night and on our way back he got pulled over by the police and breathalysed. The policeman said Janne had driven through an orange light and that he could be issued with a fine and get points on his licence! The policeman was such a prick. He was being so argumentative and was a right cocky so and so.
Janne was under the limit though as he didn't have that much to drink and the policeman let us go.
Oh and Janne has read my blog now too so I defo look like a psycho now.
PUB talk
Day 40
We went around some pubs last night in Hervey Bay. On the last pub we went to though I got asked for ID and I hadn't brought any out with me. Bummer. Janne said there was a side entrance to the pub so I sneaked in and sat in a corner. When it was my round I passed Janne some money and he went to the bar for me.
Janne was driving us home later in the night and on our way back he got pulled over by the police and breathalysed. The policeman said Janne had driven through an orange light and that he could be issued with a fine and get points on his licence! The policeman was such a prick. He was being so argumentative and was a right cocky so and so.
Janne was under the limit though as he didn't have that much to drink and the policeman let us go.
Oh and Janne has read my blog now too so I defo look like a psycho now.
Day 39 Wedding
15th November 2008
Raking again
Day 39
I think today was the day I was meant to be graduating from Sheffield Hallam University for doing my PGCert in Asperger syndrome. Cool.
There's a wedding on later today at Bambooland so Silent Mike and I did raking today to make all the grounds look nice and pretty. Ah.
Later we are going to a pub in Hervey Bay for a meal so am looking forward to that.
I have been thinking a lot recently about life and al that jazz and have come to the conclusion to follow my instincts on everything. Plus I've started to research volunteering for UNICEF for next year.
The wedding that took place today was lovely. Then this evening Mona asked me if I kept a blog. I said yes and she asked me for the address so now I am probably going to look like a right psycho after writing all that stuff about Mike and the canoe.
Raking again
Day 39
I think today was the day I was meant to be graduating from Sheffield Hallam University for doing my PGCert in Asperger syndrome. Cool.
There's a wedding on later today at Bambooland so Silent Mike and I did raking today to make all the grounds look nice and pretty. Ah.
Later we are going to a pub in Hervey Bay for a meal so am looking forward to that.
I have been thinking a lot recently about life and al that jazz and have come to the conclusion to follow my instincts on everything. Plus I've started to research volunteering for UNICEF for next year.
The wedding that took place today was lovely. Then this evening Mona asked me if I kept a blog. I said yes and she asked me for the address so now I am probably going to look like a right psycho after writing all that stuff about Mike and the canoe.
Day 38 Scooping
14th November 2008
Scooping & Jaws
Day 38
Task for the day: Scooping leaves from the pond.
Went down to a pub in Hervey Bay. Hoping to book my trip to Fraser Island soon, maybe tomorrow.
When I got back to my room at Bambooland I listened to the radio for a while. There's a really good radio station out here and at nights they have an English presenter. They have a topic each night people can call up and talk about, or people can phone up and start their own topic. The thing is that some of the people who ring up are drunk and get confused. It's so funny. The topic recently was 'favourite Australian films'. One woman phoned up the station and ranted on about men who have cheated on her and then this drunk man phoned up and said his favourite Australian movie is 'Jaws'. It was hilarious. The presenter was really nice about it even though he obviously knew that 'Jaws' is not an Australian film and told the man he didn't think it was made in Australia. The man was so confused.
Scooping & Jaws
Day 38
Task for the day: Scooping leaves from the pond.
Went down to a pub in Hervey Bay. Hoping to book my trip to Fraser Island soon, maybe tomorrow.
When I got back to my room at Bambooland I listened to the radio for a while. There's a really good radio station out here and at nights they have an English presenter. They have a topic each night people can call up and talk about, or people can phone up and start their own topic. The thing is that some of the people who ring up are drunk and get confused. It's so funny. The topic recently was 'favourite Australian films'. One woman phoned up the station and ranted on about men who have cheated on her and then this drunk man phoned up and said his favourite Australian movie is 'Jaws'. It was hilarious. The presenter was really nice about it even though he obviously knew that 'Jaws' is not an Australian film and told the man he didn't think it was made in Australia. The man was so confused.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Day 37 Planting and rowing
13th November 2008
Planting and rowing
Day 37
Spent the first part of the day planting bamboo.

Then me and Silent Mike (in the picture above) took the canoe down to the river near to where we are staying. We went rowing along the river. I made occassional observational comments. He didn't say anything.
We were rowing down the river for quite a while, me in the front of the canoe and him in the back, then I started to think, 'what if he pulls a knife out and stabs me in the back? What would I do?'. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that out of the two of us, I'm probably the more unstable one, which made me feel better.
Then it started to rain a lot so there was no time for anyone to do any stabbing and we both started to frantically paddle back. I started to make jokes about bringing an umbrella. The rain got heavier, which was bad as I had put a load of suncream on my face before going out in the canoe and the rain made it run down my face and go into my eyes. It stung like hell. I had to paddle back most of the way with my eyes closed.
By the time we got to where we started it had stopped raining. Silent Mike seemed amused by the mascara running down my face but (obviously) said nothing. If he'd have said anything bad I would have stabbed him... just kidding. I didn't have a knife.
Planting and rowing
Day 37
Spent the first part of the day planting bamboo.

Then me and Silent Mike (in the picture above) took the canoe down to the river near to where we are staying. We went rowing along the river. I made occassional observational comments. He didn't say anything.
We were rowing down the river for quite a while, me in the front of the canoe and him in the back, then I started to think, 'what if he pulls a knife out and stabs me in the back? What would I do?'. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that out of the two of us, I'm probably the more unstable one, which made me feel better.
Then it started to rain a lot so there was no time for anyone to do any stabbing and we both started to frantically paddle back. I started to make jokes about bringing an umbrella. The rain got heavier, which was bad as I had put a load of suncream on my face before going out in the canoe and the rain made it run down my face and go into my eyes. It stung like hell. I had to paddle back most of the way with my eyes closed.
By the time we got to where we started it had stopped raining. Silent Mike seemed amused by the mascara running down my face but (obviously) said nothing. If he'd have said anything bad I would have stabbed him... just kidding. I didn't have a knife.
Day 36 Sweeping
12th November 2008
Day 36
Swept all the leaves from around the plants in the shop. I looked in the visitor's book, where people leave their own comments about the place. One person wrote -
Day 36
Swept all the leaves from around the plants in the shop. I looked in the visitor's book, where people leave their own comments about the place. One person wrote -
'It's BAMBOOtastic!'
It sure is.
Day 35 Mulching
11th November 2008
Day 35
Learnt what mulching was (putting dried leaves on ground where stuff is growing). Did it (put dried leaves on ground where stuff was growing).
It may be time to leave here soon. Have saved quite a bit of money by staying here but feeling a good drinking session coming on...
Day 35
Learnt what mulching was (putting dried leaves on ground where stuff is growing). Did it (put dried leaves on ground where stuff was growing).
It may be time to leave here soon. Have saved quite a bit of money by staying here but feeling a good drinking session coming on...
Day 34 Weeding
10th November 2008
Day 34
Did weeding.
Watched 'Little Miss Sunshine' in the evening with Silent Mike, Janne and Teresa. I picked the film as I remember my sister went to watch it at the cinema a while ago and she said it was good.
I don't know if the others really got into it though, I had a feeling they didn't like it much. When the part with the car horn came on I was laughing so much I tried to hide that I was laughing but it made it all even funnier. God that creased me up.
Day 34
Did weeding.
Watched 'Little Miss Sunshine' in the evening with Silent Mike, Janne and Teresa. I picked the film as I remember my sister went to watch it at the cinema a while ago and she said it was good.
I don't know if the others really got into it though, I had a feeling they didn't like it much. When the part with the car horn came on I was laughing so much I tried to hide that I was laughing but it made it all even funnier. God that creased me up.
Day 33 The Pub
9th November 2008
The Pub
Day 33
Mike (the Austrian guy who is also volunteering like me) does not speak. It's so crazy. He just doesn't say anything ever!
And it's not just to me, but with everyone.
I try to speak to him and ask question and he answers with a word or two (usually 'I don't know'), then nothing. Not that it's a problem and he seems a nice guy and all, but it really bothers me for some reason.
It's ok though because I usually talk to Mona, Janne's dads partner. She is cool and really friendly and it's good to have someone I can talk with.
We all went to the pub tonight - me, Mike (now to be known as Silent Mike), Janne, Teresa, Mona and Klas (Janne's dad) and had a meal there. Mona said we were going on a pub crawl through Howard, then I learnt how many pubs there were in Howard... I can now say I have been to every pub here.
There is only one pub in Howard. Janne said there was another one, but it burnt down.
The Pub
Day 33
Mike (the Austrian guy who is also volunteering like me) does not speak. It's so crazy. He just doesn't say anything ever!
And it's not just to me, but with everyone.
I try to speak to him and ask question and he answers with a word or two (usually 'I don't know'), then nothing. Not that it's a problem and he seems a nice guy and all, but it really bothers me for some reason.
It's ok though because I usually talk to Mona, Janne's dads partner. She is cool and really friendly and it's good to have someone I can talk with.
We all went to the pub tonight - me, Mike (now to be known as Silent Mike), Janne, Teresa, Mona and Klas (Janne's dad) and had a meal there. Mona said we were going on a pub crawl through Howard, then I learnt how many pubs there were in Howard... I can now say I have been to every pub here.
There is only one pub in Howard. Janne said there was another one, but it burnt down.
Day 31 Raking
7th November 2008
Day 31
Today I was raking leaves for what felt like an eternity. Then the wind blew and leaves went everywhere. Oh joy.
Day 31
Today I was raking leaves for what felt like an eternity. Then the wind blew and leaves went everywhere. Oh joy.
Day 30 Scrubbing
6th November 2008
Day 30
Up at 7:30am. Work at 8am. Scrubbing floors with chlorine, what fun... no seriously, what fun? Then I had to go over all the signs in black marker pen where they had faded (see pics below). Actually I quite liked that bit. I kept looking for rude words in the sentences and words and just filling them in at first. Is that sad? Probably.

Day 30
Up at 7:30am. Work at 8am. Scrubbing floors with chlorine, what fun... no seriously, what fun? Then I had to go over all the signs in black marker pen where they had faded (see pics below). Actually I quite liked that bit. I kept looking for rude words in the sentences and words and just filling them in at first. Is that sad? Probably.

After lunch, Teresa (Janne's girlfriend, Janne who owns Bambooland - the place I'm volunteering at) and I were talking about snakes. I said I hadn't seen one yet but I wanted to. Then it was back to work writing on the signs. Teresa called me over to where she was and there was a snake with a frog in its mouth! It was so cool. I am trying to think of something else I haven't seen before and hopefully that will appear too, only cooler, but life is pretty good right now and I can't think of anything.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Day 29 Work day 1... oh and my birthday too
5th November 2008
24 years old
Day 29

Hello, my name is Kelly Jackson and I am 24 years old.
Well it's finally here, the big 2-4. I was up at 8am planting bamboo. Not how I usually celebrate my birthday.
Here are the steps to planting bamboo (you need a box)-
1. Get a box
2. Put soil in the box
3. Put bamboo in the box
4. Put more soil in the box
5. Spray water in the box
6. Move the box
7. Repeat
I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow, although there can't be that much that you can do with bamboo, can there?
Anyway, Janne and his girlfriend bought me a cheesecake! It was fab. Had a candle too. Fab. I love cheesecake, it's the best.
Then had some wine, won a game of Blockus, lost a game of tabletennis. Hey-ho!
The highlight of my day wasn't planting bamboo, believe it or not. It was speaking to my mum and sister on the phone. I have just got a phone and sim card sorted (my number is +61 406 078454) so they phoned up and sung* Happy Birthday to me.
It was so cool.
*term used loosely
24 years old
Day 29

Hello, my name is Kelly Jackson and I am 24 years old.
Well it's finally here, the big 2-4. I was up at 8am planting bamboo. Not how I usually celebrate my birthday.
Here are the steps to planting bamboo (you need a box)-
1. Get a box
2. Put soil in the box
3. Put bamboo in the box
4. Put more soil in the box
5. Spray water in the box
6. Move the box
7. Repeat
I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow, although there can't be that much that you can do with bamboo, can there?
Anyway, Janne and his girlfriend bought me a cheesecake! It was fab. Had a candle too. Fab. I love cheesecake, it's the best.
Then had some wine, won a game of Blockus, lost a game of tabletennis. Hey-ho!
The highlight of my day wasn't planting bamboo, believe it or not. It was speaking to my mum and sister on the phone. I have just got a phone and sim card sorted (my number is +61 406 078454) so they phoned up and sung* Happy Birthday to me.
It was so cool.
*term used loosely

Day 28 Bambooland
4th November 2008
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to Bambooland I go
Day 28
Seeya Mooloolaba!
Janne, the guy from Bambooland, picked me up from the train station at 3pm and drove me and Mike (an Austrain guy who's volunteering too) to Bambooland... and would you believe it - it's full of bamboo!
No work today though, we start tomorrow. Oh and I have my own room again too! I could get used to this.
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to Bambooland I go
Day 28
Seeya Mooloolaba!
Janne, the guy from Bambooland, picked me up from the train station at 3pm and drove me and Mike (an Austrain guy who's volunteering too) to Bambooland... and would you believe it - it's full of bamboo!
No work today though, we start tomorrow. Oh and I have my own room again too! I could get used to this.

Day 27
3rd November 2008
Last day in Mooloolaba
Day 27
The guy from Bambooland replied to my email. I can go there tomorrow to start volunteering! I work 5 hours a day Mon - Fri in exchange for accommodation and food.
At the moment I am by a rugby pitch with the Englands Womens Rugby team. Nathan had just got the (unpaid) job to drive them around to their practice sessions and matches so I have tagged along for the day.
Last night I talked to Denise (the lady who owns the house I'm staying at) for ages. She's originally from New Zealand so was telling me all the places I should go to, it sounds fab! She is lovely and it's so nice I could stay there for a few days.
Ok so I spent the evening at Nathan's parents house. They're so nice. I had a proper dinner and watched Australian idol (Nathan was driving the Russian's Women's Rugby team around for the evening). Afterwards I went to Denise's house, but Nathan went really moody with me before he left. I think he saw the 'couchsurfing.org' site as more of a dating site than what it actually is, which is definately not a dating site! He asked if he could stay the night too, and when I said no he said there was something wrong with me and he couldn't understand why I did not find him attractive.
Anyway glad to be going somewhere new and starting some volunteering. Bring on the Bamboo!
Last day in Mooloolaba
Day 27
The guy from Bambooland replied to my email. I can go there tomorrow to start volunteering! I work 5 hours a day Mon - Fri in exchange for accommodation and food.
At the moment I am by a rugby pitch with the Englands Womens Rugby team. Nathan had just got the (unpaid) job to drive them around to their practice sessions and matches so I have tagged along for the day.
Last night I talked to Denise (the lady who owns the house I'm staying at) for ages. She's originally from New Zealand so was telling me all the places I should go to, it sounds fab! She is lovely and it's so nice I could stay there for a few days.
Ok so I spent the evening at Nathan's parents house. They're so nice. I had a proper dinner and watched Australian idol (Nathan was driving the Russian's Women's Rugby team around for the evening). Afterwards I went to Denise's house, but Nathan went really moody with me before he left. I think he saw the 'couchsurfing.org' site as more of a dating site than what it actually is, which is definately not a dating site! He asked if he could stay the night too, and when I said no he said there was something wrong with me and he couldn't understand why I did not find him attractive.
Anyway glad to be going somewhere new and starting some volunteering. Bring on the Bamboo!
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Day 26 Noosa
2nd November 2008
Day 26
In Noosa today. It's gorgeous up here. Have walked around the coast and went whale watching but there were no whales about, so I guess I just went watching.
Day 26
In Noosa today. It's gorgeous up here. Have walked around the coast and went whale watching but there were no whales about, so I guess I just went watching.

Day 25 Massages
1st November 2008
3 hours of massages
Day 25
In Coolum today, near to Mooloolaba. Nathan has a massage course this weekend and they need people to massage. I'm here!
Had 3 one hour massages from two women and one (hot) guy. It was fab and I was so chilled out after.
I think I'm going to leave Mooloolaba soon. Nathan is nice and all but he is trying to bit a little too friendly, if you get my drift. Have been emailing a person up near to Maryborough (North of Mooloolaba and near where Fraser Island is). They need people to work on a farm up there, the WWOOFing thing. If I work 5 hours a day I can get accommodation and meals in return so am going to give that a go hopefully. Should be there by Tuesday. Just waiting for an email to say it's all ok then off I go!
It means I will be there for my birthday too! I was gonna try go to this place a little later and spend my birthday in a hostel somewhere with a bit of a party scene, but I am trying to fit it all in - travelling, volunteering, sight seeing, etc so if I have the chance to go to this farm on Tuesday I'll do that. If not, I'll go to a hostel.
3 hours of massages
Day 25
In Coolum today, near to Mooloolaba. Nathan has a massage course this weekend and they need people to massage. I'm here!
Had 3 one hour massages from two women and one (hot) guy. It was fab and I was so chilled out after.
I think I'm going to leave Mooloolaba soon. Nathan is nice and all but he is trying to bit a little too friendly, if you get my drift. Have been emailing a person up near to Maryborough (North of Mooloolaba and near where Fraser Island is). They need people to work on a farm up there, the WWOOFing thing. If I work 5 hours a day I can get accommodation and meals in return so am going to give that a go hopefully. Should be there by Tuesday. Just waiting for an email to say it's all ok then off I go!
It means I will be there for my birthday too! I was gonna try go to this place a little later and spend my birthday in a hostel somewhere with a bit of a party scene, but I am trying to fit it all in - travelling, volunteering, sight seeing, etc so if I have the chance to go to this farm on Tuesday I'll do that. If not, I'll go to a hostel.
Day 24 Happy Halloween Kids!
31st October 2008
Happy Halloween!
Day 24
I am a bumble bee. Nathan and his sister (who is a professional circus performer and got the costumes) are a priest and jester. What a trio!
Happy Halloween!
Day 24
I am a bumble bee. Nathan and his sister (who is a professional circus performer and got the costumes) are a priest and jester. What a trio!

Every year Nathan and his sister Tanya run a kids disco in Mooloolaba. I went along to be the DJ (i.e. pressing pause and play when the games were being played - a very important role).
It's all quite random, what's going on at the moment.
Day 23 Kawana
30th October 2008
Chilling in Kawana
Day 23
Wow it was so good to have a room to myself last night with no Germans chatting/Swedish girl snoring/Korean girl clicking on her laptop all night playing Solitaire (click, click). Denise, the lady who owns the house, is so nice! Her kids are great too. No one was in after 9am so I got up and had breakfast and watched morning tv. It was so good!
Walked to the bus stop. Saw a dead snake on the way. The bus driver seemed amused when I asked where he thought I should go. I have no plans for today. He suggested Kawana Shopping World, so I went there for the day.
It's lovely here.
Chilling in Kawana
Day 23
Wow it was so good to have a room to myself last night with no Germans chatting/Swedish girl snoring/Korean girl clicking on her laptop all night playing Solitaire (click, click). Denise, the lady who owns the house, is so nice! Her kids are great too. No one was in after 9am so I got up and had breakfast and watched morning tv. It was so good!
Walked to the bus stop. Saw a dead snake on the way. The bus driver seemed amused when I asked where he thought I should go. I have no plans for today. He suggested Kawana Shopping World, so I went there for the day.
It's lovely here.
Day 22 Couchsurfing outta here
29th October 2008
Couchsurfing out of Brisbane!
Day 22
That's it - I'm leaving Brisbane! A guy from the Couchsurfing site emailed me. He lives on the Sunshine Coast and has a spare room so I'm going there. It's 2.5 hours away in a place called Mooloolaba. I'm looking forward to having my own room for a few days. The Swedish girl in my room was snoring all night. It did my head in.
Wow I love it here. Nathan picked me up in his car and we went for fish and chips. He has 3 homes for some reason. I am staying in a house with a lady called Denise and her family. She is lovely, but it's quite bizarre - the whole situation that is.
It's so nice here. Went for a walk along the beach and Nathan told me about how he used to be in a band and worked with Moby, and played guitar on stage with Oasis, and was Steve Urwin's body guard one day, and has kissed an actress called Sophie Monk and Australia Zoo stole his marketing ideas that he used to use for his band. He also mentioned that he used to be a compulsive liar. Hmmm...
Couchsurfing out of Brisbane!
Day 22
That's it - I'm leaving Brisbane! A guy from the Couchsurfing site emailed me. He lives on the Sunshine Coast and has a spare room so I'm going there. It's 2.5 hours away in a place called Mooloolaba. I'm looking forward to having my own room for a few days. The Swedish girl in my room was snoring all night. It did my head in.
Wow I love it here. Nathan picked me up in his car and we went for fish and chips. He has 3 homes for some reason. I am staying in a house with a lady called Denise and her family. She is lovely, but it's quite bizarre - the whole situation that is.
It's so nice here. Went for a walk along the beach and Nathan told me about how he used to be in a band and worked with Moby, and played guitar on stage with Oasis, and was Steve Urwin's body guard one day, and has kissed an actress called Sophie Monk and Australia Zoo stole his marketing ideas that he used to use for his band. He also mentioned that he used to be a compulsive liar. Hmmm...
Day 21
28th October 2008
Enough of Brisbane
Day 21
I think it's time to leave Brisbane. May book a tour outta here. Don't fancy sticking around and may head up north to the Sunshine Coast. That sounds nice. What will be weird is my birthday. I wonder where I'll be and who I'll be with.
I'm actually doing nothing in Brisbane now. Nothing. I can do nothing in some new place. I have started to email people from the WWOOFing programme. The deal is you work on their farm for 5 hours a day in exchange for accommodation and food. Sounds good to me!
Oh and another thing - I hate subways (the sandwiches), especially the turkey ones. That's all I've been eating recently. If I have to eat another one I swear I'll puke.
Enough of Brisbane
Day 21
I think it's time to leave Brisbane. May book a tour outta here. Don't fancy sticking around and may head up north to the Sunshine Coast. That sounds nice. What will be weird is my birthday. I wonder where I'll be and who I'll be with.
I'm actually doing nothing in Brisbane now. Nothing. I can do nothing in some new place. I have started to email people from the WWOOFing programme. The deal is you work on their farm for 5 hours a day in exchange for accommodation and food. Sounds good to me!
Oh and another thing - I hate subways (the sandwiches), especially the turkey ones. That's all I've been eating recently. If I have to eat another one I swear I'll puke.
Day 20 Quiz night
27th October 2008
Quiz night
Day 20
Here is the main difference between hostels in Japan and hostels in Australia. On arriving at a hostel in Japan there are posters and maps up everywhere advertising tours and showing the local cultural spots like temples and gardens. In Australia there are posters up advertising drinks nights and fancy dress competitions.
Visitors to Japan go for the history and culture, where it seems visitors to Australia come to get battered. Not that that's a bad thing - just a bit expensive with major hangovers.
Went to a quiz tonight at the bar in the hostel with Mitzie (a Swedish girl who's in my room) and Matt (a guy who was sitting at the bar when we walked in and joined our team). Matt seemed quite loud and friendly to start off with, and withing an hour he was so drunk and could hardly speak. He was telling us about how he has bought some old fire engines and he is going to paint the green and wash peoples houses for charity (??). We didn't win the quiz. Or come 2nd. Or 3rd.
When the night was over, Matt was slumped over the bar waiting for his friend to take him home and Mitzie went to bed. I wasn't tired so sat with a group of people that were talking in the common area of the hostel. They were all French. I thought if I sat there for a bit I'd be able to pick up something that they were saying, but unfortunately my High School French lessons with Mrs. Townsend weren't enough for me to understand anything that was being said, so I went to bed.
Quiz night
Day 20
Here is the main difference between hostels in Japan and hostels in Australia. On arriving at a hostel in Japan there are posters and maps up everywhere advertising tours and showing the local cultural spots like temples and gardens. In Australia there are posters up advertising drinks nights and fancy dress competitions.
Visitors to Japan go for the history and culture, where it seems visitors to Australia come to get battered. Not that that's a bad thing - just a bit expensive with major hangovers.
Went to a quiz tonight at the bar in the hostel with Mitzie (a Swedish girl who's in my room) and Matt (a guy who was sitting at the bar when we walked in and joined our team). Matt seemed quite loud and friendly to start off with, and withing an hour he was so drunk and could hardly speak. He was telling us about how he has bought some old fire engines and he is going to paint the green and wash peoples houses for charity (??). We didn't win the quiz. Or come 2nd. Or 3rd.
When the night was over, Matt was slumped over the bar waiting for his friend to take him home and Mitzie went to bed. I wasn't tired so sat with a group of people that were talking in the common area of the hostel. They were all French. I thought if I sat there for a bit I'd be able to pick up something that they were saying, but unfortunately my High School French lessons with Mrs. Townsend weren't enough for me to understand anything that was being said, so I went to bed.
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