Sunday, 23 November 2008

Day 42 Helloooo Hervey Bay!

18th November 2008

Helloooo Hervey Bay!

Day 42

Today's weather: rain, rain, rain, no rain, rain, no rain.

Rain gets me down.

I left Bambooland today. Janne has driven me to Hervey Bay and I went on the internet to check out the weather for the next few days to see when it's best for me to go to Fraser Island. I was hoping to go anytime in the next couple of days. The weather forecast is bad and only starts to get better in a week. DOH!

I wasn't too impressed that it'll be raining in my Fraser Island trip. There have been storms all over the East Coast.

Feeling a bit down I have noticed something has been missing out of my life this past 5 weeks I have been travelling, so to cheer myself up I went out and bought a bottle of the stuff today. It has cheered me up as I used to use it all the time back home and all of this volunteering and planting has taken its toll. Now I've got some nail polish I have nice shiny nails again. Yay!

I have got a grip and booked my Fraser Island trip for Thursday.

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