Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Day 27

3rd November 2008

Last day in Mooloolaba

Day 27


The guy from Bambooland replied to my email. I can go there tomorrow to start volunteering! I work 5 hours a day Mon - Fri in exchange for accommodation and food.

At the moment I am by a rugby pitch with the Englands Womens Rugby team. Nathan had just got the (unpaid) job to drive them around to their practice sessions and matches so I have tagged along for the day.

Last night I talked to Denise (the lady who owns the house I'm staying at) for ages. She's originally from New Zealand so was telling me all the places I should go to, it sounds fab! She is lovely and it's so nice I could stay there for a few days.


Ok so I spent the evening at Nathan's parents house. They're so nice. I had a proper dinner and watched Australian idol (Nathan was driving the Russian's Women's Rugby team around for the evening). Afterwards I went to Denise's house, but Nathan went really moody with me before he left. I think he saw the '' site as more of a dating site than what it actually is, which is definately not a dating site! He asked if he could stay the night too, and when I said no he said there was something wrong with me and he couldn't understand why I did not find him attractive.

Anyway glad to be going somewhere new and starting some volunteering. Bring on the Bamboo!

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