Saturday, 1 November 2008

Day 21

28th October 2008

Enough of Brisbane

Day 21

I think it's time to leave Brisbane. May book a tour outta here. Don't fancy sticking around and may head up north to the Sunshine Coast. That sounds nice. What will be weird is my birthday. I wonder where I'll be and who I'll be with.

I'm actually doing nothing in Brisbane now. Nothing. I can do nothing in some new place. I have started to email people from the WWOOFing programme. The deal is you work on their farm for 5 hours a day in exchange for accommodation and food. Sounds good to me!

Oh and another thing - I hate subways (the sandwiches), especially the turkey ones. That's all I've been eating recently. If I have to eat another one I swear I'll puke.

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