Sunday, 23 November 2008

Day 46 Fraser Island last day HUNGOVER

22nd November 2008


Day 46

I have never woken up so drunk in my life. Woke up in the tent and felt so ill. Oh it was awful. I'm definately not driving today.

Everyone was so nice though. I slept in the van whilst they had breakfast, made the sandwiches for lunch and put the tents down.

We went to Eli Creek today. It was nice and involved minimal effort. Then we went to Lake Wabby. We had to walk 1.8km to get to Lake Wabby through woods and 1km over sand dunes. I thought I wasn't going to make it. It was awful! The walk that is, not the lake. The lake was cool. Went swimming in it, which helped to sober me up a bit then joined everyone in a run down the hill and jumping into the lake. It was so fun! Then I decided to walk up the hill and roll down horizontally. As I was feeling a little better it seemed like a great idea at the time. I didn't feel too good after I did it.

The walk back was easier but the drive to the ferry off Fraser Island was over all the tree roots and bumpy roads. Not good.

Tim and I had a gaytime. My attention was first brought to gaytimes during a TV commercial. Gaytimes are a make of ice cream over here. There catchphrase is 'it's so hard to have a Gaytime on your own'. Seriously.

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