Saturday, 29 November 2008

Day 47 Leaving Hervey Bay

23rd November 2008

Leaving Hervey Bay

Day 47

I am on my own again. God I hate when I leave people. When I woke up, most people had gone as they had early morning buses to catch. This morning I had breakfast and washed my underwear then phoned up Greyhound coaches to book a bus pass for the next few weeks. The plan is to go to Cairns.

Looking back I thought it may have been better to fly into Cairns and work my way down to Sydney, but instead I flew into Brisbane and am heading north to Cairns, then getting a flight down to Brisbane when I leave Cairns then heading South to Byron Bay then to Sydney. Even though this seems to be more expensive (extra coach up north and a flight) it has actually worked out cheaper than if I had flown to Cairns straight away. The flight to Brisbane is under 50 quid! The coach from Cairns to Brisbane would have been in the 100's. How crazy is that?

Anyway I booked a coach ticket over the phone and I leave Hervey Bay today to go to Bundaberg. After booking the coach ticket, I went on the internet to book accommodation in Bundaberg, but everywhere was fully booked. DOH! It's strange though because I actually don't care. I'll just turn up and see if anything is available.

Got a bit depressed being at the hostel by myself so got the shuttle bus to the bus stop where the coach will arrive and I'll wait there for a while rather than being at the hostel on my own. I got the shuttle bus to the coach stop, and as I was getting off the shuttle bus I remembered something - I left all my underwear on the washing line back at the hostel! DOH!

Went in the shopping centre near to the coach shop to re-stock on underwear so now I have all new underwear. All I need now is somewhere to stay for the night.

4:30pm I am in Bundaberg. There is no accommodation anywhere in this town. Whoops. I've had to book the next coach out of here to Rockhampton, where one hostel there has a room. Only problem is they only have male dorm rooms left and it will be 11:30pm by the time I get there. The lady at the hostels reception said she will leave a key to the room in an outside safe and gave me the safe code.

It's ok though because Bundaberg looks a but naff anyway. There were 2 Canadian men I got speaking to at the coach station. They did the same as me and turned up with no accommodation booekd so were waiting for a coach to somewhere else.

I thought I learnt my lesson in Japan - don't leave it until the last minute to book accommodation. Obviously not.

Oh well, skipping Bundaberg gives me extra time to spend in other places. Got to keep positive about these things!

I love Australia

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