Fraser Island Baby!
Day 44

We aimed to be at the campsite for about 5pm ish but we got lost. Driving on the beach for ages we didn't know where the turning was and it was raining and getting dark. Then the thunder and lightning started. The lightening was PINK! We saw a giant turtle too.
After driving on the beach for ages we came to the conclusion that we must have missed the turning so turned around and drove back down the beach and just picked a turning that we found. The car got stuck in the sand so we had to get out and push it in the rain. When the car started and got out of the sand rut we all cheered and jumped in. We drove up this random turning for a while and agreed that even if it was the wrong place we'd stay here anyway. It was dark, wet and we were all getting hungry.
Turned out that it was the right turning! The people at the site weren't too impressed that we were (very) late. It was dark, still thunder and lightning, raining and we had 2 tents to put in. The tents were stupid. Stupid, stupid tents. Some bits were missing and sand kept getting into the poles and they took ages to put up.

We were hungry in the rain trying to put 2 stupid tents up - and it was so much fun! All of it. No one got moody or angry or anything and we all had a laugh. After the tents were finally up we had a BBQ and chilled drinking wine in the slighty wet tents until we fell asleep.
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