Planting and rowing
Day 37
Spent the first part of the day planting bamboo.

Then me and Silent Mike (in the picture above) took the canoe down to the river near to where we are staying. We went rowing along the river. I made occassional observational comments. He didn't say anything.
We were rowing down the river for quite a while, me in the front of the canoe and him in the back, then I started to think, 'what if he pulls a knife out and stabs me in the back? What would I do?'. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that out of the two of us, I'm probably the more unstable one, which made me feel better.
Then it started to rain a lot so there was no time for anyone to do any stabbing and we both started to frantically paddle back. I started to make jokes about bringing an umbrella. The rain got heavier, which was bad as I had put a load of suncream on my face before going out in the canoe and the rain made it run down my face and go into my eyes. It stung like hell. I had to paddle back most of the way with my eyes closed.
By the time we got to where we started it had stopped raining. Silent Mike seemed amused by the mascara running down my face but (obviously) said nothing. If he'd have said anything bad I would have stabbed him... just kidding. I didn't have a knife.
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